4.2 Procedure to Update the On-board Host MCU

The host MCU can be updated by entering into the Boot loader Mode. The following steps are required for updating the host MCU:

  • Insert jumper into Header J2
  • Power OFF and ON the board by removing and reconnecting the USB cable
  • LEDs D1, D3, D5 and D6 will blink sequentially, indicating that host MCU in the Boot Loader mode
  • The latest host MCU code is available on the EVK page on the Microchip website
  • The kit enumerates the USB mass storage (like a Pen Drive) in the PC. Copy the latest host and paste it to the drive.
  • LEDs D1, D3, D5 and D6 will indicate three times that the programming is successful
    Note: If LEDs D1, D3, D5 and D6 are continuously ON, then the programming is unsuccessful, and the user needs to retry.