37.3.2 SDA and SCL Pins
The SDA and SCL pins must be configured as open-drain outputs. Open-drain configuration is accomplished by setting the appropriate bits in the Open-Drain Control (ODCONx) registers, while output direction configuration is handled by clearing the appropriate bits in the Tri-State Control (TRISx) registers.
Input threshold, slew rate, and internal pull-up settings are configured using the RxyI2C registers. The RxyI2C registers are used exclusively on the default I2C pin locations and provide the following selections:
- Input threshold levels:
- SMBus 3.0 (1.35V) input threshold
- SMBus 2.0 (2.1V) input threshold
- I2C-specific input thresholds
- Standard GPIO input thresholds (controlled by the Input Level Control (INLVLx) registers)
- Slew rate limiting:
- I2C-specific slew rate limiting
- Standard GPIO slew rate (controlled by the Slew Rate Control (SLRCONx) registers)
- I2C
- Programmable ten or two times the current of the standard internal pull-up
- Standard GPIO pull-up (controlled by the Weak Pull-Up Control (WPUx) registers)