28.8.9 Edge Triggered Monostable Modes

The Edge Triggered Monostable modes start the timer on an edge from the external Reset signal input after the ON bit is set and stop incrementing the timer when the timer matches the TxPR period value. The following edges will start the timer:

  • Rising edge (MODE = ‘b10001)
  • Falling edge (MODE = ‘b10010)
  • Rising or Falling edge (MODE = ‘b10011)

When an Edge Triggered Monostable mode is used in conjunction with the CCP PWM operation, the PWM drive goes active with the external Reset signal edge that starts the timer, but will not go active when the timer matches the TxPR value. While the timer is incrementing, additional edges on the external Reset signal will not affect the CCP PWM.

Figure 28-11. Rising Edge Triggered Monostable Mode Timing Diagram (MODE = ‘b10001)