
File Name



USB Device Layer Compile Time Options

This file contains USB device layer compile time options (macros) that are to be configured by the user. This file is a template file and must be used as an example only. This file must not be directly included in the project.


Name Description
USB_DEVICE_BOS_DESCRIPTOR_SUPPORT_ENABLESpecifies if the Device Layer should process a Host request for a BOS descriptor.
USB_DEVICE_DRIVER_INITIALIZE_EXPLICITSpecifies if the USB Controller Driver must be initialized explicitly as opposed to being initialized by the Device Layer.
USB_DEVICE_ENDPOINT_QUEUE_DEPTH_COMBINEDSpecifies the combined endpoint queue depth in case of a vendor USB device implementation.
USB_DEVICE_EP0_BUFFER_SIZEBuffer Size in Bytes for Endpoint 0.
USB_DEVICE_INSTANCES_NUMBERNumber of Device Layer instances to provisioned in the application.
USB_DEVICE_MICROSOFT_OS_DESCRIPTOR_SUPPORT_ENABLE Specifies if the USB Device stack should support Microsoft OS Descriptor.
USB_DEVICE_SET_DESCRIPTOR_EVENT_ENABLEEnables the Device Layer Set Descriptor Event.
USB_DEVICE_SOF_EVENT_ENABLEEnables the Device Layer SOF event.
USB_DEVICE_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE_ADVANCED_ENABLESpecifying this macro enables the Advanced String Descriptor Table Entry Format.
USB_DEVICE_SYNCH_FRAME_EVENT_ENABLEEnables the Device Layer Synch Frame Event.