This message is used to send data from all enabled streams to the PC. It is possible to send one or multiple samples of data from all streams in one single message. Only data from the enabled streams will be sent.

Message ID1 byte0x40
Data length2 bytes1 + number of streams (N) * (2 + num bytes for each stream (Xn) + length of each data sample in the stream (Xd))
Number of streams (N)1 byte1 - 255
Stream ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of stream X
Num bytes (Xn)1 byte1-255Number of bytes from stream X
Stream X data sample MDependent on data type of the stream (Xd)The data of stream X

Note that the last row repeats for each sample in the stream and the three last rows repeat for each stream in the message.