5.2.4 Message Types

There are three main message types; Request messages, Configuration messages, and Data messages.

Request Messages

Request messages are used by the target to request information/status from the host PC. These messages are pre-fixed with MSG_REQ. The PC should always respond with the corresponding response message, pre-fixed MSG_RES.

Table 5-48. Request Messages and Responses
Message Type ID Description
MSG_REQ_HANDSHAKE 0x00 Request handshake
MSG_RES_HANDSHAKE 0x10 Respond to handshake
MSG_REQ_STATUS 0x02 Request status from PC
MSG_RES_STATUS 0x12 Respond to status
MSG_RES_DATA 0x14 Raw data from PC to target

Configuration Messages

Used by target to send configuration settings to the PC. These messages are pre-fixed with MSG_CONF. The PC should respond to these messages with an acknowledge message (MSG_ACK).

Table 5-49. Configuration Messages, Target to PC
Message type ID Description
MSG_CONF_STREAM 0x20 Create a new stream
Reserved 0x21 Reserved for future use
MSG_CONF_GRAPH 0x22 Create new graph or reconfigure existing one
MSG_CONF_ADD_STREAM_TO_AXIS 0x23 Add stream to axis in graph
MSG_CONF_CURSOR_TO_GRAPH 0x24 Add parameter cursor to graph
Reserved 0x25 Reserved for future use
MSG_CONF_TERMINAL 0x26 Create new terminal or reconfigure existing one
MSG_CONF_ADD_TO_TERMINAL 0x27 Add stream to terminal
MSG_CONF_INFO 0x28 Info about the application
MSG_CONF_AXIS 0x29 Create new axis or reconfigure existing one
MSG_CONF_DASHBOARD 0x2A Add dashboard container
MSG_CONF_DASHBOARD_ELEMENT 0x2B Add element to dashboard container
MSG_CONF_ADD_STREAM_TO_ELEMENT 0x2C Tie an already configured stream to an already configured dashboard element.
Table 5-50. Configuration Messages, PC to Target
Message type ID Description
MSG_CONF_ACK 0x30 Status of last received configuration message

Data Messages

Used by a target to send data to the PC. Prefixed with MSG_DATA. These messages should not be responded too.

Table 5-51. Data Messages
Message Type ID Description
MSG_DATA_STREAM 0x40 Send data from one or more streams