1 Silicon Issue Summary

Erratum is not applicable.
Erratum is applicable.
PeripheralIssue SummaryAffected Revisions
Rev. ARev. B
DeviceOn 24-Pin Automotive Devices Pin PC5 is Not AvailableX-
Writing the OSCLOCK Fuse in FUSE.OSCCFG to '1' Prevents Automatic Loading of Calibration ValuesXX
ACAC Interrupt Flag Not Set Unless Interrupt is EnabledXX
False Triggers May Occur Under Certain ConditionsX-
False Triggering When Sweeping Negative Input of the AC When the Low-Power Mode is DisabledX-
ADCSAMPDLY and ASDV Does Not Work Together With SAMPLENXX
Pending Event Stuck When Disabling the ADCXX
ADC Functionality Cannot be Ensured with CLKADC Above 1.5 MHz and a Setting of 25% Duty CycleXX
ADC Interrupt Flags Cleared When Reading RESHXX
Changing ADC Control Bits During Free-Running Mode not WorkingXX
One Extra Measurement Performed After Disabling ADC Free-Running ModeXX
ADC Wake-Up with WCMPXX
CCLConnecting LUTs in Linked Mode Requires OUTEN Set to ‘1XX
D-latch is Not FunctionalXX
The CCL Must be Disabled to Change the Configuration of a Single LUTXX
RTCAny Write to the RTC.CTRLA Register Resets the RTC and PIT PrescalerXX
Disabling the RTC Stops the PITXX
TCARestart Will Reset Counter Direction in NORMAL and FRQ ModeXX
TCBMinimum Event Duration Must Exceed the Selected Clock PeriodXX
The TCB Interrupt Flag is Cleared When Reading CCMPHXX
TCB Input Capture Frequency and Pulse-Width Measurement Mode Not Working with Prescaled ClockXX
The TCA Restart Command Does Not Force a Restart of TCBXX
CCMP and CNT Registers Operate as 16-Bit Registers in 8-Bit PWM ModeXX
TCDTCD Event Output Lines May Give False EventsXX
TCD Auto-Update Not WorkingX-
Asynchronous Input Events Not Working When TCD Counter Prescaler is UsedXX
Halting TCD and Wait for SW Restart Does Not Work if Compare Value A is ‘0’ or Dual Slope Mode is UsedXX
TWITIMEOUT Bits in the TWI.MCTRLA Register are Not AccessibleXX
TWI Master Mode Wrongly Detects the Start Bit as a Stop BitXX
TWI Smart Mode Gives Extra Clock PulseXX
The TWI Master Enable Quick Command is Not AccessibleXX
USARTTXD Pin Override Not Released When Disabling the TransmitterXX
Full Range Duty Cycle Not Supported When Validating LIN Sync FieldXX
Frame Error on a Previous Message May Cause False Start Bit DetectionXX
Open-Drain Mode Does Not Work When TXD is Configured as OutputXX