Connecting Two Wireless Nodes

The following are the steps to connect the nodes:

  1. 1.At Node A, press switch S1 to find the peer nodes in the network. At Node B, press switch S2 to wait for the request from the connection initiating node/device (Node A).
  2. 2.The following two figures illustrate that Node A can start the Inquiry/Discovery process to find the available Bluetooth devices to enable sending a connection request to the selected device (Node B). Node B continuously waits for the incoming connection request by not carrying out the Inquiry process (see Figure 3).
    Figure 1. Inquiry/Discovery Procedure

  3. 3.Node A now discovers the peer devices and displays the Inquiring process.
    Figure 2. Inquiry/Discovery Procedure in Progress

  4. 4.Node B waiting for the connection request from the peer device (Node A). For more details, see the following figure.
    Figure 3. Waiting for a Connection Request

  5. 5.At Node A, the scan result displays a list of devices found during the Inquiry/Discovery process and the user can select one of the MAC_ADDR from the list (see the following figure).
    Figure 4. Inquiry/Discovery Scan Result

  6. 6.After the Inquiry/Discovery process, the Node B address has to be found from the address list by pressing switch S2. After finding the Node B address, select the device by pressing switch S1.
  7. 7.Node A attempts to connect to the selected device (Node B) if the device Node B MAC address is found in the list. Otherwise, a new inquiry scan is performed (see the following figure).
    Figure 5. Connecting to the Selected Device/Node

  8. 8.If the inquiry process fails to find the expected device, perform the inquiry once again at Node A by pressing switch S2 to find peers again (refer to step 1). For more details, see the following figure.
    Figure 6. Display prompting User to Perform a New Inquiry/Discovery