4.3 Hardware Setup

  • The Curiosity High Pin Count (HPC) Development Board (DM164136) is used as the test platform. Switch S1 and S2 are used to select the ADC2 mode, and LEDs D2, D3, D4, D5 are used to display which mode is active.
  • A signal from the Signal & Noise Generator board is connected to an analog input (RA1) of the HPC.
  • The Power Debugger includes a CDC virtual COM port interface, which is used to transmit ADC2’s conversion results to a PC over the EUSART to the Data Visualizer. The EUSART TX (pin RC6) of the HPC is connected to CDC 'TX ←' pin of Power Debugger.
  • HPC uses USB power supply, configured to 3.3V VCC by a jumper.

HW Setup: Curiosity HPC with Power Debugger and Signal & Noise Generator Board

Table 4-1. HW Connection HPC- Signal & Noise Generator
HPCSignal & Noise Generator
PinPin NumberName
Table 4-2. HW Connection HPC- Power Debugger
HPCPower Debugger (DGI port)
PinPin NumberName
RC614TX ←