4.5 Results With Graph

The results will be shown by plotting different graphs in the Data Visualizer by configuring advanced ADC features. Here, different graphs with different ADC2 computational modes are plotted. With the availability of both ADC results and ADC filtered result registers, it is possible to observe both noisy and filtered signals in the same graph.

A separate graph indicating the selected ADC computation mode will also be plotted.

From these graphs, it can be observed how the ADC result count range gets reduced when noise is suppressed with configured ADC features.

  • Complete the HW setup shown in the Hardware Setup topic
  • Program the device PIC Q10 with example source code
  • Any signal with or without noise can be connected to pin RA1 on HPC board if the Signal & Noise Generator board is not available
  • Refer Appendix A: Plotting Graph in Data Visualizer for more details on how to plot graphs in Data Visualizer