Monitor Answer

The Secure SAM-BA Monitor answers any command with an acknowledge message formatted as follows:


opcode errcode length


  • opcode—4 characters of the command
  • errcode—value of the error code
  • length—in cases where the monitor must send data to SAM-BA, this field shows how much data is in the payload, thus how much data SAM-BA has to read.
  • payload—optional data, depends on the command.
    Table 19-14. Command List
    Command Full Name Description
    CACK SEND_CMD_ACK Return the status of simple commands
    ASTA SEND_APPLET_STATUS Return the status after execution of an applet
    SVER SEND_ROM_VERSION Return ROM Code version
    Table 19-15. Error Code
    Error name Hex value Description
    secCmdOK 0x000000000 Command OK
    secCmdTooLong 0xFFFFFFFF Whole command size too long
    secCmdOpcodeSizeErr 0xFFFFFFFE Opcode size too long
    secCmdAddrSizeErr 0xFFFFFFFD Address field size too long
    secCmdLenSizeErr 0xFFFFFFFC Length field size too long
    secCmdRWSizeErr 0xFFFFFFFA RW field size too long
    secCmdOpcodeUnknown 0xFFFFFFF9 Unknown command op-code
    secCmdCustKeyLengthErr 0xFFFFFFF8 Customer key payload message size error
    secCmdCustKeyNotWritten 0xFFFFFFF7 Customer key has not been written
    secCmdCustKeyAlreadyWritten 0xFFFFFFF6 A customer key has already been written in fuses
    secCmdCmacErr 0xFFFFFFF5 Message CMAC error
    secCmdDecryptErr 0xFFFFFFF4 Error during message decryption
    secCmdKeyDerivErr 0xFFFFFFF3 Error during key derivation
    secCmdRsaHashAlreadyWritten 0xFFFFFFEE An RSA hash has already been written in fuses
    secCmdFuseWriteErr 0xFFFFFFED Error while writing a fuse bit
    secCmdExpandModeAlreadyWritten 0xFFFFFFEC Field EXPAND_MODE in the Boot Configuration word has already been programmed