Command Format

The commands are formatted as follows:


opcode addrxx length not_used rw


  • opcode—4 characters of the command.
  • addr—the address field is max 8 characters long, and contains the hexadecimal address value without '0x'.
  • length—in case of a write command, this field indicates the size of the data to be sent, in hexadecimal, without '0x'.
  • not_used—this field is not used for the moment.
  • rw—indicates a read or write operation (00 for read, 01 for write).
    Table 19-10. Simple Commands
    Command Full Name Description
    SEMB SET_EXT_MEM_BOOT_EN Set external memory boot enable
    SKIF SET_KEYS_IN_FUSE Set keys in fuse
    SPAI SET_PAIRING_MODE Set Pairing mode
    SMDI SET_MONITOR_DIS Set monitor disable
    SBSD SET_BSCR_DIS Set BSCR disable
    SSBD SET_SEC_DBG Set secure debug
    SJTD SET_JTAG_DIS Set JTAG disable fuse bit
    CRST(1) CHIP_RESET Reset the chip
    1. USB communication is cut when this command is executed by the chip.
    Table 19-11. Read Version Command
    Command Full Name Description
    RVER READ_ROM_VERSION Read ROM code version
    Table 19-12. Key Management Commands
    Command Full Name Description
    WCKY WRITE_CUSTOMER_KEY Send customer keys and initialization vector (640 bits)
    WRHA WRITE_RSA_HASH Send RSA hash of root certificate public key
    Note: Sending the commands in the table above automatically configures the corresponding values in the SIGN_MODE and EXPAND_MODE fields of the Boot Configuration Word.
    Table 19-13. Applet Related Commands
    Command Full Name Description
    SAPT SEND_APPLET Send memory programming applet
    SMBX SEND_APPLET_MAILBOX Send applet mailbox content
    RMBX READ_APPLET_MAILBOX Read applet mailbox content
    EAPP APPLET_EXECUTE Execute apple
    SFIL SEND_FILE Send file (to be programmed into an external memory)
    RFIL READ_FILE Read file from an external memory