55.5.12 SHA Write Protection Status Register

Offset: 0xE8
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read-only

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access RRRRR 
Reset 00000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access RRRR 
Reset 0000 

Bit 31 – ECLASS Software Error Class (cleared on read)

0 (WARNING): An abnormal access that does not affect system functionality

1 (ERROR): An access is performed into key, input data, control registers while the SHA is performing an encryption/decryption or a start is request by software or DMA while the key is not fully configured.

Bits 27:24 – SWETYP[3:0] Software Error Type (cleared on read)

0 READ_WO A write-only register has been read (Warning).
1 WRITE_RO SHA is enabled and a write access has been performed on a read-only register (Warning).
2 UNDEF_RW Access to an undefined address (Warning).
3 CTRL_START SHA is locked and a start command with SHA_CR.START has been performed.
4 AUTO_START SHA is locked and a tentative automatic start has been performed by writing input data registers (SHA_MR.SMOD>0).
5 BAD_START SHA is not locked and a start command with SHA_CR.START has been performed whereas Start mode is automatic (SHA_MR.SMOD>0)

Bits 15:8 – WPVSRC[7:0] Write Protection Violation Source

When WPVS=1, WPVSRC indicates the register address offset at which a write access has been attempted.

When WPVS=0 and SWE=1, WPVSRC reports the address of the incorrect software access. As soon as WPVS=1, WPVSRC returns the address of the write-protected violation.

Bit 3 – SWE Software Control Error (cleared on read)

0 No software error has occurred since the last read of SHA_WPSR.
1 A software error has occurred since the last read of SHA_WPSR. The field SWETYP details the type of software error; the associated incorrect software access is reported in the field WPVSRC (if WPVS=0).

Bit 2 – SEQE Internal Sequencer Error (cleared on read)

0 No peripheral internal sequencer error has occurred since the last read of SHA_WPSR.
1 A peripheral internal sequencer error has occurred since the last read of SHA_WPSR. This flag can only be set under abnormal operating conditions.

Bit 1 – CGD Clock Glitch Detected (cleared on read)

0 The clock monitoring circuitry has not been corrupted since the last read of SHA_WPSR. Under normal operating conditions, this bit is always cleared.
1 The clock monitoring circuitry has been corrupted since the last read of SHA_WPSR. This flag can only be set in case of an abnormal clock signal waveform (glitch).

Bit 0 – WPVS Write Protection Violation Status (cleared on read)

0 No write protect violation has occurred since the last read of SHA_WPSR.
1 A write protect violation has occurred since the last read of SHA_WPSR. The address offset of the violated register is reported into field WPVSRC.