2.2.1 Pinout Details

The ATWILC3000A is offered in an exposed pad 48-pin QFN package. This package contains an exposed paddle that must be connected to the system board ground. The following figure shows the QFN package pin assignment. The color shading indicates the pin type as follows:
  • Green – Power
  • Red – Analog
  • Blue – Digital I/O
  • Yellow – Digital input
  • Grey – Not connected or reserved
Figure 2-2. ATWILC3000A Pin Assignment

The following table provides the ATWILC3000A pin description.

Table 2-1. ATWILC3000A Pin Description
Pin #Pin NamePin TypeDescription
1VDDRF_RXPowerTuner RF RX supply
2VDDAMSPowerTuner BB supply
3VDDRF_TXPowerTuner RF TX supply
4VBAT_PAPowerPower supply pin for DC/DC converter and PA
5RFIOPAnalogWi-Fi®/Bluetooth® positive RF differential I/O
6RFIONAnalogWi-Fi/Bluetooth negative RF differential I/O
7NC1No connection
8NC2No connection
9NC3No connection
10NC4No connection
11TEST_MODEDigital InputTest mode – the user must connect this pin to a ground
12SDIO_SPI_CFGDigital Input
  • Connect to VDDIO through a 1 MΩ resistor to enable SPI interface
  • Connect to GND to enable SDIO interface
13RESETNDigital Input
  • Active-low hard Reset
  • When this pin is asserted low, the module is placed in the Reset state
  • When this pin is asserted high, the module is taken out of Reset and functions normally
  • Connect to a host output that defaults low on power-up; if the host output is tri-stated, add a 1 MΩ pull-down resistor to ensure a low level at power-up
14BT_TXDDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • Bluetooth UART transmit data output
  • Connect to UART_RXD of host
15BT_RXDDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • Bluetooth UART receive data input

  • Connect to UART_TXD of host

16BT_RTS/I2C_SDA_SDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • I2C Client data
  • Used only for debug development purposes
  • Adding a test point for this pin is recommended. I2C will be the default configuration. If flow control is enabled, this pin will be configured as UART RTS.
17BT_CTS/I2C_SCL_SDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • I2C Client clock
  • Used only for debug development purposes
  • Adding a test point for this pin is recommended. I2C will be the default configuration. If flow control is enabled, this pin will be configured as UART CTS.
18VDDCPowerDigital core power supply
19VDDIO_0PowerDigital I/O power supply
20GPIO3Digital I/O, Programmable Pull-upGeneral Purpose IO Port 3(1)
21GPIO4Digital I/O, Programmable Pull-upGeneral Purpose IO Port 4(1)
22UART_TXDDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • Wi-Fi UART TXD output
  • Used only for debug development purposes
  • Adding a test point for this pin is recommended
23UART_RXDDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • Wi-Fi UART RXD input
  • Used only for debug development purposes
  • Adding a test point for this pin is recommended
24VBAT_BUCKPowerPower supply pin for DC/DC converter
25VSWPowerSwitching output of DC/DC Converter
26VREG_BUCKPowerCore power from DC/DC converter
  • PMU enable
  • High level enables the module
  • Low level enables the module in Power-Down mode
  • Connect to a host output that defaults low at power-up
  • If the host output is tri-stated, add a 1 MΩ pull-down resistor, if necessary, to ensure a low level at power-up
28RTC_CLKDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • RTC clock input
  • Connect to a 32.768 kHz clock source
29SD_CLK/GPIO_8Digital I/O, Programmable Pull-upSDIO clock line from the ATWILC3000A when the module is configured for SDIO
30SD_CMD/SPI_SCKDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • SDIO CMD line from ATWILC3000A when the module is configured for SDIO
  • SPI clock from ATWILC3000A when the module is configured for SPI
31SD_DAT0/SPI_MISODigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • SDIO Data Line 0 from the ATWILC3000A when the module is configured for SDIO
  • SPI MISO (Host In Client Out) pin from the ATWILC3000A when the module is configured for SPI
32SD_DAT1/SPI_SSNDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • SDIO Data Line 1 from the ATWILC3000A when the module is configured for SDIO
  • Active-low SPI SSN (Client Select) pin from the ATWILC3000A when the module is configured for SPI
33VDDIO_1PowerDigital I/O power supply
34SD_DAT2/SPI_MOSIDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • SDIO Data Line 2 from the ATWILC3000A when the module is configured for SDIO
  • SPI MOSI (Host Out Client In) pin from the ATWILC3000A when the module is configured for SPI
35SD_DAT3/GPIO_7Digital I/O, Programmable Pull-upSDIO Data Line 3 from the ATWILC3000A when the module is configured for SDIO
36GPIO17Digital I/O, Programmable Pull-upGeneral Purpose I/O Port 17(1)
37GPIO18Digital I/O, Programmable Pull-upGeneral Purpose I/O Port 18(1)
38GPIO19Digital I/O, Programmable Pull-upGeneral Purpose I/O Port 19(1)
39GPIO20Digital I/O, Programmable Pull-upGeneral Purpose I/O Port 20(1)
40IRQNDigital I/O, Programmable Pull-up
  • ATWILC3000A interrupt output
  • Connect to a host interrupt pin
41GPIO21Digital I/O, Programmable Pull-upGeneral Purpose I/O Port 21(1)
42GPIO0Digital I/O, Programmable Pull-upGeneral Purpose I/O Port 0(1)
43XO_NAnalogCrystal oscillator N
44XO_PAnalogCrystal oscillator P
45VDD_SXDIGPowerSX power supply
46VDD_VCOPowerVCO power supply
47VDDIO_APowerTuner VDDIO power supply
48TP_PAnalogTest pin/no connection
49PADDLE VSSPowerConnect to system board ground
  1. Use of the GPIO functionality is not supported by the firmware. The data sheet will be updated once the support for this feature is added.