29.7.11 Write Configuration

Tip: The I/O pins are assembled in pin groups (”PORT groups”) with up to 32 pins. Group 0 consists of the PA pins, group 1 is for the PB pins, etc. Each pin group has its own PORT registers, with a 0x80 address spacing. For example, the register address offset for the Data Direction (DIR) register for group 0 (PA00 to PA31) is 0x00, and the register address offset for the DIR register for group 1 (PB00 to PB31) is 0x80.

This Write-only register is used to configure several pins simultaneously with the same configuration and peripheral multiplexing.

To avoid side effect of non-atomic access, 8-bit or 16-bit writes to this register will have no effect. Reading this register always returns zero.

Offset: 0x28
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Write-Only

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access WWWW 
Reset 0000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bit 31 – HWSEL Half-Word Select

This bit selects the half-word field of a 32-PORT group to be reconfigured in the atomic write operation.

This bit will always read as zero.

0 The lower 16 pins of the PORT group will be configured.
1 The upper 16 pins of the PORT group will be configured.


This bit determines whether the atomic write operation will update the Pin Configuration register (PINCFGy) or not for all pins selected by the WRCONFIG.PINMASK and WRCONFIG.HWSEL bits.

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit updates the configuration of the selected pins with the written WRCONFIG.DRVSTR, WRCONFIG.PULLEN, WRCONFIG.INEN, WRCONFIG.PMUXEN, and WRCONFIG.PINMASK values.

This bit will always read as zero.

0 The PINCFGy registers of the selected pins will not be updated.
1 The PINCFGy registers of the selected pins will be updated.

Bit 28 – WRPMUX Write PMUX

This bit determines whether the atomic write operation will update the Peripheral Multiplexing register (PMUXn) or not for all pins selected by the WRCONFIG.PINMASK and WRCONFIG.HWSEL bits.

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit updates the pin multiplexer configuration of the selected pins with the written WRCONFIG. PMUX value.

This bit will always read as zero.

0 The PMUXn registers of the selected pins will not be updated.
1 The PMUXn registers of the selected pins will be updated.

Bits 27:24 – PMUX[3:0] Peripheral Multiplexing

These bits determine the new value written to the Peripheral Multiplexing register (PMUXn) for all pins selected by the WRCONFIG.PINMASK and WRCONFIG.HWSEL bits, when the WRCONFIG.WRPMUX bit is set.

These bits will always read as zero.

Bit 22 – DRVSTR Output Driver Strength Selection

This bit determines the new value written to PINCFGy.DRVSTR for all pins selected by the WRCONFIG.PINMASK and WRCONFIG.HWSEL bits, when the WRCONFIG.WRPINCFG bit is set.

This bit will always read as zero.

Bit 18 – PULLEN Pull Enable

This bit determines the new value written to PINCFGy.PULLEN for all pins selected by the WRCONFIG.PINMASK and WRCONFIG.HWSEL bits, when the WRCONFIG.WRPINCFG bit is set.

This bit will always read as zero.

Bit 17 – INEN Input Enable

This bit determines the new value written to PINCFGy.INEN for all pins selected by the WRCONFIG.PINMASK and WRCONFIG.HWSEL bits, when the WRCONFIG.WRPINCFG bit is set.

This bit will always read as zero.

Bit 16 – PMUXEN Peripheral Multiplexer Enable

This bit determines the new value written to PINCFGy.PMUXEN for all pins selected by the WRCONFIG.PINMASK and WRCONFIG.HWSEL bits, when the WRCONFIG.WRPINCFG bit is set.

This bit will always read as zero.

Bits 15:0 – PINMASK[15:0] Pin Mask for Multiple Pin Configuration

These bits select the pins to be configured within the half-word group selected by the WRCONFIG.HWSEL bit.

These bits will always read as zero.

0 The configuration of the corresponding I/O pin in the half-word group will be left unchanged.
1 The configuration of the corresponding I/O pin in the half-word PORT group will be updated.