17.6.7 Interrupts

The OSC32KCTRL has the following interrupt sources:

  • XOSC32KRDY - 32 kHz Crystal Oscillator Ready: A 0-to-1 transition on the STATUS.XOSC32KRDY bit is detected
  • XOSC32KFAIL - Clock Failure Detector: A 0-to-1 transition on the STATUS.XOSC32KFAIL bit is detected

All these interrupts are synchronous wake-up source.

Each interrupt source has an interrupt flag associated with it. The interrupt flag in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG) is set when the interrupt condition occurs. Each interrupt can be enabled individually by setting the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Enable Set register (INTENSET), and disabled by setting the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Enable Clear register (INTENCLR). An interrupt request is generated when the interrupt flag is set and the corresponding interrupt is enabled. The interrupt request remains active until the interrupt flag is cleared, the interrupt is disabled or the OSC32KCTRL is reset. Refer to the INTFLAG register for details on how to clear interrupt flags.

The OSC32KCTRL has one common interrupt request line for all the interrupt sources. The user must read the INTFLAG register to determine which interrupt condition is present. Refer to the INTFLAG register for details.

Note: Interrupts must be globally enabled for interrupt requests to be generated.