32.2 USART Features

The following are key features of the SERCOM USART:

  • Full-duplex Operation
  • Asynchronous (with Clock Reconstruction) or Synchronous Operation
  • Internal or External Clock source for Asynchronous and Synchronous Operation
  • Baud-rate Generator
  • Supports Serial Frames with 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 Data bits and 1 or 2 Stop bits
  • Odd or Even Parity Generation and Parity Check
  • Selectable LSB- or MSB-first Data Transfer
  • Buffer Overflow and Frame Error Detection
  • Noise Filtering, Including False Start bit Detection and Digital Low-pass Filter
  • Collision Detection
  • Can Operate in all Sleep modes
  • Operation at Speeds up to Half the System Clock for Internally Generated Clocks
  • Operation at Speeds up to the System Clock for Externally Generated Clocks
  • RTS and CTS Flow Control
  • IrDA Modulation and Demodulation up to 115.2 kbps
  • LIN Host Support
  • LIN Client Support
    • Auto-baud and break character detection
  • ISO 7816 T = 0 or T = 1 protocols for Smart Card Interfacing
  • RS485 Support
  • Start-of-frame detection
  • Two-Level Receive Buffer
  • Can work with DMA
  • 32-bit Extension for Better System Bus Utilization