24.6.19 Channel Control B

This register affects the DMA channel that is selected in the Channel ID register (CHID.ID).
Offset: 0x44
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Enable-Protected Bits

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 00 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 00 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bits 23:22 – TRIGACT[1:0] Trigger Action

These bits define the trigger action used for a transfer.

Note: This bit field is enable-protected.
TRIGACT[1:0] Name Description
0x0 BLOCK One trigger required for each block transfer
0x1 - Reserved
0x2 BEAT One trigger required for each beat transfer
0x3 TRANSACTION One trigger required for each transaction

Bits 13:8 – TRIGSRC[5:0] Trigger Source

These bits define the peripheral trigger which is source of the transfer. For details on trigger selection and trigger modes, refer to Transfer Triggers and Actions and CHCTRLB.TRIGACT.

Table 24-2. Peripheral Trigger Source
Value Name Description
0x00 DISABLE Only software/event triggers
0x01 TSENS TSENS Result Ready Trigger
0x02 SERCOM0 RX SERCOM0 RX Trigger
0x04 SERCOM1 RX SERCOM1 RX Trigger
0x05 SERCOM1 TX SERCOM1 TX Trigger
0x06 SERCOM2 RX SERCOM2 RX Trigger
0x07 SERCOM2 TX SERCOM2 TX Trigger
0x08 SERCOM3 RX SERCOM3 RX Trigger
0x09 SERCOM3 TX SERCOM3 TX Trigger
0x0A TCC0 OVF TCC0 Overflow Trigger
0x0B TCC0 MC0 TCC0 Match/Compare 0 Trigger
0x0C TCC0 MC1 TCC0 Match/Compare 1 Trigger
0x0D TCC0 MC2 TCC0 Match/Compare 2 Trigger
0x0E TCC0 MC3 TCC0 Match/Compare 3 Trigger
0x0F TCC1 OVF TCC1 Overflow Trigger
0x10 TCC1 MC0 TCC1 Match/Compare 0 Trigger
0x11 TCC1 MC1 TCC1 Match/Compare 1 Trigger
0x12 TCC2 OVF TCC2 Overflow Trigger
0x13 TCC2 MC0 TCC2 Match/Compare 0 Trigger
0x14 TCC2 MC1 TCC2 Match/Compare 1 Trigger
0x15 TC0 OVF TC0 Overflow Trigger
0x16 TC0 MC0 TC0 Match/Compare 0 Trigger
0x17 TC0 MC1 TC0 Match/Compare 1 Trigger
0x18 TC1 OVF TC1 Overflow Trigger
0x19 TC1 MC0 TC1 Match/Compare 0 Trigger
0x1A TC1 MC1 TC1 Match/Compare 1 Trigger
0x1B TC2 OVF TC2 Overflow Trigger
0x1C TC2 MC0 TC2 Match/Compare 0 Trigger
0x1D TC2 MC1 TC2 Match/Compare 1 Trigger
0x1E TC3 OVF TC3 Overflow Trigger
0x1F TC3 MC0 TC3 Match/Compare 0 Trigger
0x20 TC3 MC1 TC3 Match/Compare 1 Trigger
0x21 TC4 OVF TC4 Overflow Trigger
0x22 TC4 MC0 TC4 Match/Compare 0 Trigger
0x23 TC4 MC1 TC4 Match/Compare 1 Trigger
0x24 ADC0 RESRDY ADC0 Result Ready Trigger
0x25 ADC1 RESRDY ADC1 Result Ready Trigger
0x26 SDADC RESRDY SDADC Result Ready Trigger
0x27 DAC EMPTY DAC Empty Trigger
0x28-0x3F Reserved Reserved

Bits 6:5 – LVL[1:0] Channel Arbitration Level

These bits define the arbitration level used for the DMA channel, where a high level has priority over a low level. For further details on arbitration schemes, refer to Arbitration.

Note: This bit field is not enable-protected.
TRIGACT[1:0] Name Description
0x0 LVL0 Channel Priority Level 0
0x1 LVL1 Channel Priority Level 1
0x2 LVL2 Channel Priority Level 2
0x3 LVL3 Channel Priority Level 3

Bit 4 – EVOE Channel Event Output Enable

This bit indicates if the Channel event generation is enabled. The event will be generated for every condition defined in the descriptor Event Output Selection (BTCTRL.EVOSEL).

This bit is available only for the least significant DMA channels. Refer to table: User Multiplexer Selection and Event Generator Selection of the Event System for details.

0 Channel event generation is disabled.
1 Channel event generation is enabled.

Bit 3 – EVIE Channel Event Input Enable

This bit is available only for the least significant DMA channels. Refer to table: User Multiplexer Selection and Event Generator Selection of the Event System for details.

0 Channel event action will not be executed on any incoming event.
1 Channel event action will be executed on any incoming event.

Bits 2:0 – EVACT[2:0] Event Input Action

These bits define the event input action, as shown below. The action is executed only if the corresponding EVIE bit in CHCTRLB register of the channel is set.

This bit is available only for the least significant DMA channels. Refer to table: User Multiplexer Selection and Event Generator Selection of the Event System for details.

EVACT[2:0] Name Description
0x0 NOACT No action
0x1 TRIG Normal Transfer and Conditional Transfer on Strobe trigger
0x2 CTRIG Conditional transfer trigger
0x3 CBLOCK Conditional block transfer
0x4 SUSPEND Channel suspend operation
0x5 RESUME Channel resume operation
0x6 SSKIP Skip next block suspend action
0x7 - Reserved