48 Revision History

Revision E - August 2023

The following updates were added in this revision of the document.

Section Updates
 5-Volt, 128-KB Flash, 16-KB SRAM with Advanced Analog Added Software and Tools Support features.
11.1 Clock Distribution Updated Figure 11-1.
14 Oscillators Controller (OSCCTRL) Updated Figure 14-2.

Added note in XOSCFAIL Bit in STATUS Register.

15 32.768 kHz Oscillators Controller (OSC32KCTRL) Added the fifth paragraph in 15.6.4 32.768 kHz Internal Oscillator (OSC32K) Operation.
17 Supply Controller (SUPC) Added paragraph in BODVDDRDY Bit in STATUS Register.
23 Real-Time Counter (RTC) Updated Property field and added notes in COUNT and COUNT Registers.
24 Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) Changed (BEATSIZE + 1) by (BEATSIZE) in Addressing.
25 External Interrupt Controller (EIC) Updated 25.2 Features.
26 Nonvolatile Memory Controller (NVMCTRL) Updated the table of PSZ Bits in PARAM Register.
27 I/O Pin Controller (PORT) Added note in 27.6.4 Events.
28 Event System (EVSYS) Added first column in Table 28-1.
30 SERCOM Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (SERCOM USART) Updated second paragraph in Data Transmission.

Added note in LIN Host.

Added note in Sample Adjustment.

Added note in HDRDLY and BRKLEN Bits in CTRLC Register.

31 SERCOM Serial Peripheral Interface (SERCOM SPI) Updated first paragraph in Hardware Controlled SS.

Added note in MSSEN Bit in CTRLB Register.

32 SERCOM Inter-Integrated Circuit (SERCOM I2C) Added info of DRDY Bit in INTFLAG Register.
33 Timer Counter (TC) Updated notes in Capture Operations.

Updated first paragraph in Event Capture Action on Events or I/Os.

Updated Figure 33-13 and updated third paragraph and note in Period and Pulse-Width (PPW) Capture Action on Events.

Updated Figure 33-14.

Updated Figure 33-15.

Updated Property field and updated note 1 in COUNT Register.

Updated Property field in CCx Register.

Updated Property field and updated note 1 in COUNT Register.

Updated Property field and updated note 1 in COUNT Register.

34 Timer/Counter for Control (TCC) Applications Updated Property field and added note in CPTENx, DMAOS, MSYNC, PRESCYNC, RUNSTDBY, PRESCALER, RESOLUTION, ENABLE and SWRST Bits in CTRLA Register.

Updated Property field and added note in STATUS Register.

Updated Property field and added note in COUNT Register.

Added note in PATT Register.

Updated Property field, updated info of SWAPx, POLx and CICCENx Bits and added note in SWAPx, POLx, CICCENx, CIPEREN, RAMP and WAVEGEN Bits in WAVE Register.

Added note in PER Register.

Updated Name, Offset and Property fields and added note in CCx Register.

Updated Property field, added note and updated info in PGVBx and PGEBx Bits in PATTBUF Register.

Updated Property field, added note and updated info in PERBUF and DITHERBUF Bits in PERBUF Register.

Updated Name, Offset and Property fields, added note and updated info in DITHERBUF Bit in CCBUFx Register.

36 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Removed an erroneous reference to DAC in 36.2 Features, Figure 36-1 and Figure 36-8.

Updated second paragraph in Operation.

Updated Conversion Timing and Sampling Rate with new information after Figure 36-6.

38 Analog Comparators (AC) Added note in 38.6.10 Offset Compensation.
39 Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Updated second paragraph in 39.6.1 Principle of Operation.

Updated second bullet in 39.6.4 Interrupts.

43 Electrical Characteristics 85℃ Updated info of VREFA and deleted info of VREFB in Table 43-1.

Updated PINT and PI/O in Table 43-3.

Updated Typ. and Max. Values in Table 43-8.

Updated Figure 43-3.

Moved PAI_53 to Modules/Peripherals Active Currents <= 550 µA in Table 43-9.

Added FCLK_6a and FCLK_6b in Table 43-13.

Added note 3 in Table 43-19.

Deleted info of ADC_63 inTable 43-25.

Updated Figure 43-6, updated MSP_1 in Table 43-31 and updated SSP_1 in Table 43-32.

Updated Min. and Max. Values in Table 43-34 and Table 43-35.

44 Electrical Characteristics 125°C Updated PINT and PI/O in Table 44-2.

Added 44.17 Serial Peripheral Interface (SERCOM SPI) Mode Electrical Specifications.

Updated Typ. and Max. Values in Table 44-6.

Added Active Current info of 1.5µA, 2µA, 75µA, 100µA, 200µA and 250µA in Table 44-7.

46 Schematic Checklist Added second paragraph in 46.1 Introduction.

Added second paragraph in 46.2 Operation in Noisy Environment.

Added note in 46.5 External Reset Circuit.

Added note in 46.8.1 Cortex Debug Connector (10-pin).

Added note in 46.8.2 20-pin IDC JTAG Connector.

Revision D - June 2021

Terminology used in this document may not match with the contents of other Microchip documentation and collateral. For any questions or concerns regarding terminology, contact a Microchip support or sales representative.

This revision contains numerous typographical updates throughout the document. All other updates are listed in the following table:

Section Updates
5-Volt, 128-KB Flash, 16-KB SRAM with Advanced Analog Addition of AEC-Q100 Grade qualifications
Configuration Summary Removed a redundant table
Ordering Information Added a note for AEC-Q100 Qualification
Electrical Specifications at 85℃
Electrical Specifications at 125℃

Revision C - April 2021

Terminology used in this document may not match with the contents of other Microchip documentation and collateral. For any questions or concerns regarding terminology, contact a Microchip support or sales representative.

This revision contains numerous typographical updates throughout the document. All other updates are listed in the following table:

Section Updates
General Throughout the entire document all references of “Master” were changed to “Host,” and “Slave” was changed to “Client,” where applicable.
Electrical Specifications at 85℃
Electrical Specifications at 125℃ New section.
Appendix A: Migration New section.

Revision B - November 2020

This revision contains numerous typographical updates throughout the document. All other updates are listed in the following table:

Section Updates
General For each chapter the topic “Product Dependencies” was renamed to “Peripheral Dependencies” and the content was condensed into a table.
Power Supply and Start-Up Considerations Removed redundant images from Typical Powering Schematics and added a cross reference to the proper schematics.
Processor and Architecture New verbiage was added to the SysTick section of Cortex-M0+ Peripherals.
Product Mapping Updated the diagram with a new section for PORT, DIVAS, and Reserved off the IOBUS section.
NVM User Row Mapping Updated the BODCORE calibration with a new Production Setting.
Clock System Updated the Diagram in On-Demand, Clock Requests changing CLKEN to CHEN.
GCLK Added new information about the Peripheral channel to the second line item in Initialization.
SUPC Added content for the SDADC to the SEL bitfield of the VREF register
DSU Updated the REVISION bit of the DID Register with new text for device revision.
PM Updated verbiage for the SysTick Overflow Interrupt in SRAM Automatic Low-Power Mode.
  • Removed erroneous text from the Interrupts section
  • Added new notes to the PERID bit of the WRCTRL Register
  • Removed the TSENS bit from the INTFLAGA and STATUSA Registers
EIC Updated Asynchronous Edge detection Mode with new verbiage for asynchronous edge detection.
NVMCTRL Updated Command and Data Interface with verbiage for confirming INTFLAG.READY is ‘1’.
PORT Updated PORT Access Priority with new verbiage about IOBUS writes.
  • Updated Collision Detection with verbiage for the Peripheral Bus (APB)
  • Updated Interrupts with new verbiage for the Data Register Empty interrupt
  • Updated Sleep Mode Operation with new verbiage for the FERR, PERR, and STANDBY power consumption
  • Removed erroneous DBGCTRL register
  • Updated the following registers with new FERR and PERR information:
  • Updated 10-Bit Addressing to show it is not available in Client mode
  • Updated Quick Command with new verbiage for the Quick Command mode
  • Updated Client DMA with new verbiage for transaction length of data
  • Updated Interrupts with new verbiage for the DRDY, AMATCH, PREC, SB, and MB interrupts
  • Updated the STATUS Register with new verbiage for the SEXTOUT, CLKHOLD, LOWTOUT, COLL, and BUSERR bits
  • Removed the TENBITEN bit from the ADDR Register and updated the ADDRMASK and ADDR bits with new bit lengths
  • Updated the Configuration Summary to display a 16-bit Counter Size for TCC#1
  • Updated Double Buffering with new verbiage for clearing the STATUS bits twice
  • Updated Dithering Operation with verbiage regarding avoiding an external retrigger event
  • Updated RAMP2 Operation in Ramp Operation with verbiage for supporting counting up mode
  • Added new verbiage to the Counter Re-trigger sections of Events detailing the non-support of dithering or if RAMP2 operation is used with a prescaler
  • Added new verbiage to Sleep Mode Operation detailing STANDBY Sleep mode
  • Updated the following registers:
    • CTRLA - Removed the ALOCK bit
    • CTRLBCLR - new verbiage to the IDXCMD bit
    • DBGCTRL - new verbiage for the DBGRUN bit
    • EVCTRL - Updated the EVACT1 and EVACT0 bit descriptions
    • STATUS - Removed the WAVEBUFV bit and added new text to the register description
  • Updated Features to display 2 external analog differential pairs
  • Added a new paragraph for STANDBY Sleep Mode to Sleep Mode Operation
  • Updated the following registers:
    • REFCTRL - new values in the table for REFSEL
    • DBGCTRL - Updated verbiage for the DBGRUN bit
AC Updated the DBGCTRL register with new verbiage for the DBGRUN bit.
  • Updated Sleep Mode Operation with new verbiage for STANDBY
  • Updated the INTFLAG register with new verbiage for the EMPTY bit
  • Updated the DBGCTRL Register with new verbiage for the DBGRUN bit
  • Updated Overview and Features to remove erroneous wording
  • Updated the CTRLB register with a new register property and note
  • Updated the DBGCTRL register with new verbiage for the DBGRUN bit
FREQM Updated the CTRLB Register with a new note.
  • Updated Prescaler Selection to remove erroneous text
  • In Position and Rotation Measurement all references starting with Q, such as Q4, Q4S, etc were changed to read X4, and X4S etc
  • Removed the Count Event Action topic
  • Removed The description for “Count” from the bulleted item list in Events
  • Updates were done to the following registers:
    • EVCTRL - Updated verbiage for the EVE, EVEI, EVINV, and EVACT1 bits
Electrical Characteristics Updates to formatting, notes, min, typ and max specs were made to the tables and content of the following topics:
Packaging Removed the Packaging table for moisture sensitivity from the following packages:

Added in packaging tables for the following package:

Updated the Package Marking Information, and removed the Thermal Considerations topics.

Schematic Checklist

Revision A - July 2020

This is the initial released version of this document.