32.6.5 Sleep Mode Operation
I2C Host Operation
The generic clock (GCLK_SERCOMx_CORE) will continue to run in idle sleep mode. If the Run In Standby bit in the Control A register (CTRLA.RUNSTDBY) is '1', the GLK_SERCOMx_CORE will also run in standby sleep mode. Any interrupt can wake up the device.
If CTRLA.RUNSTDBY=0, the GLK_SERCOMx_CORE will be disabled after any ongoing transaction is finished. Any interrupt can wake up the device.
I2C Client Operation
Writing CTRLA.RUNSTDBY=1 will allow the Address Match interrupt to wake up the device.
When CTRLA.RUNSTDBY=0, all receptions will be dropped.