The Overrun Channel n Interrupt

The Overrun Channel n interrupt flag in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAGn.OVR) will be set, and the optional interrupt will be generated in the following cases:

  • Many event users on channel ‘n’ is not ready when there is a new event.
  • An event occurs when the previous event on channel ‘m’ is not handled by all event users connected to that channel.

The flag will only be set when using synchronous or resynchronized paths. In the case of asynchronous path, the INTFLAGn.OVR is always read as zero. When using the synchronous path ensure the generic clock (GCLK) is always on by setting the event systems channel to be on demand (CHANNELn.ONDEMAND). Following this configuration will prevent spurious overrun interrupts.