9.2.2 Interrupt Line Mapping

Each of the interrupt lines is connected to one peripheral instance, as shown in the table below. Each peripheral can have one or more interrupt flags, located in the peripheral’s Interrupt Flag Status and Clear (INTFLAG) register.

The interrupt flag is set when the interrupt condition occurs. Each interrupt in the peripheral can be individually enabled by writing a one to the corresponding bit in the peripheral’s Interrupt Enable Set (INTENSET) register, and disabled by writing a one to the corresponding bit in the peripheral’s Interrupt Enable Clear (INTENCLR) register.

An interrupt request is generated from the peripheral when the interrupt flag is set and the corresponding interrupt is enabled.

The interrupt requests for one peripheral are ORed together on system level, generating one interrupt request for each peripheral. An interrupt request will set the corresponding interrupt pending bit in the NVIC interrupt pending registers (SETPEND/CLRPEND bits in ISPR/ICPR).

For the NVIC to activate the interrupt, it must be enabled in the NVIC interrupt enable register (SETENA/CLRENA bits in ISER/ICER). The NVIC interrupt priority registers IPR0-IPR7 provide a priority field for each interrupt.

Table 9-3. Interrupt Line Mapping, PIC32CM MC00
Peripheral Source NVIC Line
External Interrupt Controller (EIC NMI) NMI
Power Manager (PM)

Main Clock (MCLK)

Oscillators Controller (OSCCTRL)

32 kHz Oscillators Controller (OSC32KCTRL)

Supply Controller (SUPC)

Protection Access Controller (PAC)

Watchdog Timer (WDT) 1
Real Time Clock (RTC) 2
External Interrupt Controller (EIC) 3
Frequency Meter (FREQM) 4
Temperature Sensor (TSENS) 5
Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVMCTRL) 6
Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) 7
Event System (EVSYS) 8
Serial Communication Controller 0 (SERCOM0) 9
Serial Communication Controller 1 (SERCOM1) 10
Serial Communication Controller 2 (SERCOM2) 11
Serial Communication Controller 3 (SERCOM3) 12
Timer Counter for Control 0 (TCC0) 13
Timer Counter for Control 1 (TCC1) 14
Timer Counter for Control 2 (TCC2 ) 15
Timer Counter 0 (TC0) 16
Timer Counter 1 (TC1) 17
Timer Counter 2 (TC2 ) 18
Timer Counter 3 (TC3) 19
Timer Counter 4 (TC4 ) 20
Analog-to-Digital Converter 0 (ADC0) 21
Analog-to-Digital Converter 1 (ADC1) 22
Analog Comparator (AC ) 23
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) 24
Position Decoder (PDEC) 26
Reserved 27-31
  1. These modules are not available on all variants. Refer to Configuration Summary.