3.4 Temperature Sensor

The ATSAMR30M Sensor Board has an on-board digital temperature sensor (AT30TSE758A). This sensor is interfaced with the ATSAMR30M through I2C bus and is available on I2C slave address 0x48 (7-bit MSb address). The AT30TSE758A also has a serial EEPROM, which is accessible through the same I2C bus with the slave address as 0x50 (7-bit MSb address).

Table 3-3. Temperature Sensor Functions

Pin on ATSAMR30M

Pin Function

Shared Functionality


I2C Serial Data (I2C SDA)

ATECC608A and J2 pin 6


I2C Serial Clock (I2C SCL)

ATECC608A and J2 pin 5



J2 pin 2