20.7.2 Non-Volatile Memory Command Register

Offset: 0x33
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bits 5:0 – NVMCMD[5:0] Non-Volatile Memory Command

These bits define the programming commands for the flash.
Table 20-10. NVM Programming commands
Operation TypeNVMCMDMnemonicDescription
General0b0000000x00NO_OPERATIONNo operation
0b0100000x10CHIP_ERASEChip erase(1)
0b0100010x11CHIP_WRITEWrite chip(2)
Section0b0101000x14SECTION_ERASESection erase
Word0b0111010x1DWORD_WRITEWord write
Page0b0110000x18PAGE_ERASEErase page
  1. Erase the Code section and the Non-Volatile Memory lock bits.
  2. Write the Code section, but doesn't affect the Non-Volatile Memory lock bits. Self-programming supports NO_OPERATION, WORD_WRITE, and PAGE_ERASE