44.6.5 Serial Clock and Word Select Generation

The generation of clocks in the I2SC is described in figure ”Mono”.

In Client mode, the serial clock and word select clock are driven by an external Host. I2SC_CK and I2SC_WS pins are inputs.

In Host mode, the user can configure the Host clock, serial clock, and word select clock through the I2SC_MR. I2SC_MCK, I2SC_CK, and I2SC_WS pins are outputs and MCK is used to derive the I2SC clocks.

In Host mode, if the peripheral clock frequency is higher than 96 MHz, the GCLK[PID] from PMC must be selected as I2SC input clock by writing a ‘1’ in the I2SCxCC bit of the CCFG_PCCR register. Refer to the section “Bus Matrix (MATRIX)” for more details.

Audio codecs connected to the I2SC pins may require a Host clock (I2SC_MCK) signal with a frequency multiple of the audio sample frequency (fs), such as 256fs. When the I2SC is in Host mode, writing a ’1’ to I2SC_MR.IMCKMODE outputs MCK as Host clock to the I2SC_MCK pin, and divides MCK to create the internal bit clock, output on the I2SC_CK pin. The clock division factor is defined by writing to I2SC_MR.IMCKFS and I2SC_MR.DATALENGTH, as described in the I2SC_MR.IMCKFS field description.

The Host clock (I2SC_MCK) frequency is (16 × (IMCKFS + 1)) / (IMCKDIV + 1) times the sample frequency (fs), i.e., I2SC_WS frequency.

Example: If the sampling rate is 44.1 kHz with an I2S Host clock (I2SC_MCK) ratio of 256, the core frequency must be an integer multiple of 11.2896 MHz. Assuming an integer multiple of 4, the IMCKDIV field must be configured to 4; the field IMCKFS must then be set to 31.

The serial clock (I2SC_CK) frequency is 2 × Slot Length times the sample frequency (fs), where Slot Length is defined in the following table.

Table 44-2. Slot Length
I2SC_MR.DATALENGTHWord LengthSlot Length
032 bits32
124 bits32 if I2SC_MR.IWS = 0

24 if I2SC_MR.IWS = 1

220 bits
318 bits
416 bits16
516 bits compact stereo
68 bits8
78 bits compact stereo
Warning: I2SC_MR.IMCKMODE must be written to ’1’ if the Host clock frequency is strictly higher than the serial clock.

If a Host clock output is not required, the MCK clock is used as I2SC_CK by clearing I2SC_MR.IMCKMODE. Alternatively, if the frequency of the MCK clock used is a multiple of the required I2SC_CK frequency, the I2SC_MCK to I2SC_CK divider can be used with the ratio defined by writing the I2SC_MR.IMCKFS field.

The I2SC_WS pin is used as word select as described in section “I2S Reception and Transmission Sequence”.

Figure 44-3. I2SC Clock Generation