Code Read Optimization

Code read optimization is enabled if the bit EEFC_FMR.SCOD is cleared.

A system of 2 x 128-bit buffers is added in order to optimize sequential code fetch.

Note: Immediate consecutive code read accesses are not mandatory to benefit from this optimization.

The sequential code read optimization is enabled by default. If the bit EEFC_FMR.SCOD is set, these buffers are disabled and the sequential code read is no longer optimized.

Another system of 2 x 128-bit buffers is added in order to optimize loop code fetch. Refer to the “Code Loop Optimization” section for more details.

Figure 22-3. Code Read Optimization for FWS = 0
Note: When FWS is equal to '0', all the accesses are performed in a single-cycle access.
Figure 22-4. Code Read Optimization for FWS = 3
Note: When FWS is between 1 and 3, in case of sequential reads, the first access takes (FWS + 1) cycles. The following accesses take only one cycle.