With DMA

  1. Write PIO_PCIDR and PIO_PCIER in order to configure the Parallel Capture mode interrupt mask.
  2. Configure DMA transfer in DMA registers.
  3. Write PIO_PCMR to set the fields DSIZE, ALWYS, HALFS and FRSTS in order to configure the Parallel Capture mode WITHOUT enabling the Parallel Capture mode.
  4. Write PIO_PCMR to set PCEN bit to one in order to enable the Parallel Capture mode WITHOUT changing the previous configuration.
  5. Wait for the DMA status flag to indicate that the buffer transfer is complete.
  6. Check OVRE flag in PIO_PCISR.
  7. If a new buffer transfer is expected, go to step 5.
  8. Write PIO_PCMR to set the PCEN bit to zero in order to disable the Parallel Capture mode WITHOUT changing the previous configuration.