42.1 Description

The Two-wire Interface (TWIHS) interconnects components on a unique two-wire bus, made up of one clock line and one data line with speeds of up to 400 kbit/s in Fast mode and up to 3.4 Mbit/s in High-speed Client mode only, based on a byte-oriented transfer format. It can be used with any Two-wire Interface bus Serial EEPROM and I²C-compatible devices, such as a Real-Time Clock (RTC), Dot Matrix/Graphic LCD Controller and temperature sensor. The TWIHS is programmable as a Host or a Client with sequential or single-byte access. Multiple Host capability is supported.

A configurable baud rate generator permits the output data rate to be adapted to a wide range of core clock frequencies.

The table below lists the compatibility level of the Two-wire Interface in Host mode and a full I2C compatible device.

Table 42-1. TWI Compatibility with I2C Standard
I2C StandardTWI
Standard Mode Speed (100 kHz)Supported
Fast Mode Speed (400 kHz)Supported
High-speed Mode (Client only, 3.4 MHz)Supported
7- or 10-bit(1) Client AddressingSupported
START Byte(2)Not Supported
Repeated Start (Sr) ConditionSupported
ACK and NACK ManagementSupported
Input FilteringSupported
Slope ControlNot Supported
Clock StretchingSupported
Multi Host CapabilitySupported
  1. 10-bit support in Host mode only.
  2. START + b000000001 + Ack + Sr.