45.4 I/O Lines Description

Table 45-1. I/O Line Description
Name Description Type Active Level
SCK Serial Clock I/O
TXD Transmit Serial Data or

Host Out Client In (MOSI) in SPI Host mode

or Host In Client Out (MISO) in SPI Client mode

RXD Receive Serial Data or

Host In Client Out (MISO) in SPI Host mode

or Host Out Client In (MOSI) in SPI Client mode

RI Ring Indicator Input Low
DSR Data Set Ready Input Low
DCD Data Carrier Detect Input Low
DTR Data Terminal Ready Output Low
LONCOL LON Collision Detection Input Low
CTS Clear to Send or

Client Select (NSS) in SPI Client mode

Input Low
RTS Request to Send or

Client Select (NSS) in SPI Host mode

Output Low