When WAVSEL = 01, the value of TC_CV is incremented from 0 to 216-1 . Once 216-1 is reached, the value of TC_CV is decremented to 0, then reincremented to 216-1 and so on.

A trigger such as an external event or a software trigger can modify TC_CV at any time. If a trigger occurs while TC_CV is incrementing, TC_CV then decrements. If a trigger is received while TC_CV is decrementing, TC_CV then increments.

Refer to the figures below.

RC Compare cannot be programmed to generate a trigger in this configuration.

At the same time, RC Compare can stop the counter clock (CPCSTOP = 1) and/or disable the counter clock (CPCDIS = 1).

Figure 49-12. WAVSEL = 01 without Trigger
Figure 49-13. WAVSEL = 01 with Trigger