48.4.5 Timestamping

Timestamping uses the value of CV in the TC Counter Value 0 register (TC_CV0) at address 0x4000C010. TC0.Ch0 can use the programmable clocks PCK6 or PCK7 as input. Refer to the section “Timer Counter (TC)” for more details.

The selection between PCK6 and PCK7 is done in the Matrix Peripheral Clock Configuration Register (CCFG_PCCR), using the bit TC0CC. Refer to this register in the section “Bus Matrix (MATRIX)” for more details.

These clocks can be programmed in the the registers PMC Programmable Clock Registers PMC_PCK6 and PMC_PCK7, respectively. Refer to these registers in the section “Power Management Controller (PMC)” for more details.

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Timer Counter (TC)

Power Management Controller (PMC)