Routing Fabric Block

The Routing Fabric (RF) block manages the flow of data between the MediaLB Port and the HBI Port. Bus multiplexers and a bus arbiter are implemented in the RF block for accessing the channel table RAM (CTR) and data buffer RAM (DBR).

Each DMA controller in the routing fabric uses Channel Descriptors (stored in the CTR) to manage access to dynamic buffers in the DBR.

Data Buffer RAM

The MLB has an external data buffer RAM (DBR) that is 8-bit x 16k entries deep. The DBR provides dynamic circular buffering between the transmit and receive devices.

The size and location of each data buffer is defined by software in the channel descriptor table (CDT), which is located in the CTR.

Receive devices retain the write address pointer to the associated circular data buffer in the DBR, while transmit devices retain the read address pointer. The DMA controllers in the routing fabric are responsible for ensuring that the circular buffers do not overflow or underflow. Each channel type (e.g., synchronous, isochronous, asynchronous and control) has Full and Empty detection.

  • Synchronous Channels

    For synchronous channels, two mechanisms prevent overflow and underflow of the data buffer:

    • Hardware aligns the read pointer (RPTR) to the write pointer (WPTR) to ensure an offset of two sub-buffers.
    • RPTR and WPTR are periodically synchronized to the start of the next sub-buffer (e.g. following a FRAMESYNC).
  • Isochronous Channels

    For isochronous channels, hardware does not read from an empty data buffer or write to a full data buffer. The conditions used by hardware for detection include:

    Data buffer Empty condition: (RPTR = WPTR) AND (BF = 0), and

    Data buffer Full condition: (WPTR = RPTR) AND (BF = 1).

  • Asynchronous and Control Channels

    For asynchronous and control channels, hardware does not read from an empty data buffer or write to a full data buffer. Hardware evaluates the DMA pointers (RPTR, WPTR) and packet count (RPC, WPC) to detect the data buffer condition, where:

    • Data buffer Empty condition: (RPTR = WPTR) AND (RPC = WPC), and
    • Data buffer Full condition: ((WPTR = RPTR) AND (WPC != RPC)) OR (WPC = (RPC - 1)).

Channel Table RAM

The MLB has an external Channel Table RAM (CTR) that is 128-bit x 144-entry. The CTR allows system software to dynamically configure channel routing and allocate data buffers in the DBR.

The CTR is logically divided into three sub-tables:

  • Channel Descriptor Table (CDT)
  • AHB Descriptor Table (ADT)
  • Channel Allocation Table (CAT)

Address Mapping

Table 47-10. CTR Address Mapping
Label Address Bits 127…96 Bits 95…64 Bits 63…32 Bits 31…0
Channel Descriptor Table (CDT):
CDT 0x00 CDT0[127:0], CL = 0
0x01 CDT1[127:0], CL = 1
0x02 CDT2[127:0], CL = 2
... ...
0x3D CDT61[127:0], CL = 61
0x3E CDT62[127:0], CL = 62
0x3F CDT63[127:0], CL = 63
AHB Descriptor Table (ADT):
ADT(1) 0x40 ADT0[127:0]
0x41 ADT1[127:0]
0x42 ADT2[127:0]
... ...
0x7D ADT61[127:0]
0x7E ADT62[127:0]
0x7F ADT63[127:0]
Channel Allocation Table (CAT):
CAT for MediaLB 0x80 CAT7 CAT6 CAT5 CAT4 CAT3 CAT2 CAT1 CAT0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
0x87 CAT63 CAT62 CAT61 CAT60 CAT59 CAT58 CAT57 CAT56
CAT for HBI(1) 0x88 CAT71 CAT70 CAT69 CAT68 CAT67 CAT66 CAT65 CAT64
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
0x8F CAT127 CAT126 CAT125 CAT124 CAT123 CAT122 CAT121 CAT120

Note: 1. A fixed relationship exists between ADT entries and HBI CAT entries. When using HBI channel 0 (CAT64) one should program ADT0. When using HBI channel 1 (CAT65) one should program ADT1, and so on.

Channel Allocation Table

The Channel Allocation Table (CAT) is comprised of 16 CTR entries (addresses 0x80–0x8F), as shown in Table 1-12. Each 16-bit CAT entry represents a logical connection to or from a transmit/receive device (e.g. MediaLB or HBI channel). All entries are indexed according to a fixed physical address assigned to every Rx/Tx channel (as shown in the following table). The value stored in a CAT entry includes a 6-bit Connection Label, which provides a pointer to the CDT. To complete a logical channel and form a routing connection, system software must assign the same Connection Label to both the Rx and Tx channels.

Table 47-11. CAT Entry Map
Peripheral Tx Channels Rx Channels CAT Start Index CAT End Index Entries
MediaLB 0 to 64 64 - Tx Channels 0 63 64
HBI 0 to 64 64 - Tx Channels 64 127 64

The format of a full CAT entry is shown in Table 47-12, with field descriptions described in Table 47-13. All reserved bits of a CAT entry field should be written as zero.

Table 47-12. CAT Entry Formats
Channel Type 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Isochronous rsvd FCE rsvd RNW CE CT[2:0] = 3 rsvd CL[5:0]
Asynchronous rsvd MT RNW CE CT[2:0] = 2 rsvd CL[5:0]
Control rsvd MT RNW CE CT[2:0] = 1 rsvd CL[5:0]
Synchronous rsvd MFE MT RNW CE CT[2:0] = 0 rsvd CL[5:0]
Table 47-13. CAT Field Definitions
Field Description
CL[5:0] Connection Label (offset into CDT)
CT[2:0] Channel Type (Others): 
111 = Reserved 
110 = Reserved 
101 = Reserved 
100 = Reserved

011 = Isochronous 
010 = Asynchronous 
001 = Control 
000 = Synchronous

CE Channel Enable: 
1 = Enabled 
0 = Disabled
RNW Read Not Write:

1 = Read

0 = Write

MT Mute Enable (1):

1 = Enabled

0 = Disabled

FCE Flow Control Enable (2):

1 = Enabled

0 = Disabled

MFE Multi-Frame per Sub-buffer Enable(3): 1 = Enabled 0 = Disabled
rsvd Reserved. Software writes a zero to all reserved bits when the entry is initialized. The reserved bits are Read-only after initialization.

Notes: 1. When set for synchronous channels, the MT bit forces Rx channels to write zeros into the channel data buffer, and Tx channels to output zeros on the physical interface. When set for asynchronous and control channels, the MT bit causes DMA to halt at a packet boundary. Not valid for isochronous channels.

2. The FCE bit is used by MediaLB isochronous Rx channels only.

3. The MFE bit is used by MediaLB synchronous channels only.

Channel Setup

Data direction in the MLB is in reference to the DBR. Therefore, the data direction of CAT entries corresponding to the same channel is reversed for the HBI CAT and the MediaLB CAT.

For a Tx channel (from the HC to the MediaLB interface):

  • HBI CAT entry: RNW = 0 (write)
  • MediaLB CAT entry: RNW = 1 (read)

Conversely, for a Rx channel (data from MediaLB to HC):

  • HBI CAT entry: RNW = 1 (read)
  • MediaLB CAT entry: RNW = 0 (write)

The figure below illustrates the directional relationship in the MLB.

Figure 47-16. MLB DBR Directional Relationship

Channel Descriptor Table

The Channel Descriptor Table (CDT) is comprised of 64 CTR entries (addresses 0x00–0x3F), as shown in Table 47-10.

Each 128-bit CDT entry (also referred to as a Channel Descriptor) is referenced by a Connection Label and contains information about a data buffer in the DBR (e.g., buffer size, address pointers).

The format of each CDT entry (also referred to as a Channel Descriptor) depends on the channel type (e.g. synchronous, isochronous, asynchronous, or control).

Note: All reserved Channel Descriptor bits must be written to ‘0’ by software when initialized.

Synchronous Channel Operation

The MLB provides two modes of operation (Standard and Multi-Frame per Sub- buffer) to provide flexibility for implementing synchronous channels.

Channels set up for Standard mode require less buffer space, but have higher interrupt rates and more stringent latency requirements. For channels configured for Standard mode, the Host Controller must transfer one full frame of streaming data in/out of each streaming channel's data buffer for each frame period.

Channels set up for Multi-Frame per Sub-buffer mode require more buffer space, but have lower interrupt rates and less stringent latency requirements. For channels configured for Multi-Frame per Sub-buffer mode, the Host Controller must transfer N full frames of streaming data in/out of each streaming channel's data buffer for each frame period.

To set up a channel in Multi-Frame per Sub-buffer mode:

  • Program MLB_MLBC0.FCNT[2:0] to select the number of frames per sub-buffer
  • Program the CAT to enable multi-frame sub-buffering (MFE = 1) for each particular channel
  • Set the buffer depth in the CDT: BD = 4 × m × bpf - 1, 
where m = frames per sub- buffer, bpf = bytes per frame
  • Repeat for additional synchronous channels

A sample synchronous data buffer is shown in the following figure. Each data buffer contains four sub-buffers and each sub-buffer contains space for 1 to 64 frames of data, determined by MLB_MLBC0.FCNT[2:0].

Figure 47-17. Synchronous Data Buffer Structure

Synchronous Channel Descriptors

The format and field definitions for a synchronous CDT entry are shown in Table 47-14 and Table 47-14, respectively.

Table 47-14. Synchronous CDT Entry Format
Bit Offset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 WSBC Reserved
16 RSBC Reserved
32 Reserved
48 Reserved
64 WSTS[3:0] WPTR[11:0]
80 RSTS[3:0] RPTR[11:0]
96 Reserved BD[11:0]
112 Reserved BA[13:0]
Table 47-15. Synchronous CDT Entry Field Definitions
Field Description Details Accessibility
BA Buffer Base Address - BA can start at any byte in the 16k DBR r,w
BD Buffer Depth - BD = size of buffer in bytes - 1

- Buffer end address = BA + BD

- BD = 4 x m x bpf - 1, where:

m = frames per sub-buffer (for MFE = 0, m = 1) bpf = bytes per frame.

RPTR Read Pointer - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Counts the read address offset within a buffer

- DMA read address = BA + RPTR

WPTR Write Pointer - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Counts the write address offset within a buffer

- DMA write address = BA + WPTR

r,w,u (1)
RSBC Read Sub-buffer Counter - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Counts the read sub-buffer offset

- DMA uses for pointer management

r,w,u (1)
WSBC Write Sub-buffer Counter - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Counts the write sub-buffer offset

- DMA uses for pointer management

r,w,u (1)
RSTS Read Status - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- RSTS states:(2)

xxx0 = normal operation (no mute)

xxx1 = normal operation (mute)

xx0x = idle

r,w,u (1)
WSTS Write Status - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- WSTS states:(2)

xxx0 = normal operation (no mute)

xxx1 = normal operation (mute)

xx0x = idle

1xxx = command protocol error

r,w,u (1)
Reserved Reserved - Software writes a zero to all reserved bits when the entry is initialized. The reserved bits are Read-only after initialization. r,w,u (1)

Notes: 1. “u” means “Updated periodically by hardware”.

2. Only valid for DMA pointers associated with the MediaLB block (Not valid for HBI block related pointers).

Isochronous Channel Descriptors

The format and field definitions for an isochronous CDT entry are shown in Table 47-16 and Table 47-17, respectively.

Table 47-16. Isochronous CDT Entry Format
Bit Offset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Reserved
16 Reserved
32 Reserved BS[8:0]
48 Reserved
64 WSTS[2:0] WPTR[12:0]
80 RSTS[2:0] RPTR[12:0]
96 Reserved BD[12:0]
112 BF rsvd BA[13:0]
Table 47-17. Isochronous CDT Entry Field Definitions
Field Description Details Accessibility
BA Buffer Base Address - BA can start at any byte in the 16k DBR r,w
BD Buffer Depth - BD = size of buffer in bytes - 1

- Buffer end address = BA + BD

- Isochronous buffers must be large enough to hold at least 3 blocks (packets) of data

- Buffer depth must be a integer multiple of blocks

BF Buffer Full - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- DMA write hardware sets BF when the buffer is full

- DMA read hardware clears BF when the buffer is empty

- BF is valid only when the buffer is full or empty, otherwise ignore

r,w,u (1)
BS Block Size - BS defines when to begin the DMA to the data buffer

- BS = buffer block size in bytes - 1

- For Rx channels, the DMA writes start when the number of empty bytes (SPACE) in the data buffer ≥ the block size

- For Tx channels, the DMA reads start when the number of valid bytes (VALID) in the data buffer ≥ the block size

r,w,u (1)
RPTR Read Pointer - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Counts the read address offset within a buffer

- DMA read address = BA + RPTR

r,w,u (1)
WPTR Write Pointer - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Counts the write address offset within a buffer

- DMA write address = BA + WPTR

r,w,u (1)
RSTS Read Status - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- RSTS states:(2)

xx1 = active

xx0 = idle

r,w,u (1)
WSTS Write Status - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- WSTS states:(2)

xx1 = active

xx0 = idle

x1x = command protocol error

1xx = buffer overflow (FCE = 0 only)

r,w,u (1)
Reserved Reserved - Software writes a zero to all Reserved bits when the entry is initialized. The Reserved bits are Read-only after initialization. r,w,u (1)

Notes: 1. “u” means “Updated periodically by hardware”.

2. Only valid for DMA pointers associated with the MediaLB block (Not valid for HBI block related pointers).

Asynchronous and Control Channel Descriptors

The format and field definitions for asynchronous and control CDT entries are shown in Table 47-18 and Table 47-19, respectively.

Table 47-18. Asynchronous/Control CDT Entry Format
Bit Offset 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 WPC[4:0] Reserved
16 RPC[4:0] Reserved
32 rsvd WPC[7:5] Reserved
48 rsvd RPC[7:5] Reserved
64 WSTS[3:0] WPTR[11:0]
80 RSTS[3:0] RPTR[11:0]
96 RSTS[4] WSTS[4] rsvd BD[11:0]
112 Reserved BA[13:0]
Table 47-19. Asynchronous/Control CDT Entry Field Definitions
Field Description Details Accessibility
BA Buffer Base Address - BA can start at any byte in the 16k DBR r,w
BD Buffer Depth - BD = size of buffer in bytes - 1

- Buffer end address = BA + BD

- BD ≥ max packet length - 1

RPC Read Packet Count - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Used in conjunction with WPC, RPTR and WPTR to determine if the buffer is empty or full

r,w,u (1)
WPC Write Packet Count - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Used in conjunction with RPC, RPTR and WPTR to determine if the buffer is empty or full

r,w,u (1)
RPTR Read Pointer - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Counts the read address offset within a buffer

- DMA read address = BA + RPTR

r,w,u (1)
WPTR Write Pointer - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Counts the write address offset within a buffer

- DMA read address = BA + WPTR

r,w,u (1)
RSTS Read Status - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Status states:(2)

x0x00 = idle

xx1xx = ReceiverProtocolError response received from

Rx Device

1xxxx = ReceiverBreak command received from Rx Device

r,w,u (1)
WSTS Write Status - Software initializes to zero, hardware updates

- Status states:(2)

x0x00 = idle

xx1xx = command protocol error detected

1xxxx = AsyncBreak/ControlBreak command received from Tx Device

r,w,u (1)
Reserved Reserved Software writes a zero to all reserved bits when the entry is initialized. The reserved bits are Read-only after initialization. r,w,u (1)

Notes: 1. “u” means “Updated periodically by hardware”.

2. Only valid for DMA pointers associated with the MediaLB block (not valid for HBI block related pointers).