CS_GetMemory Fucntion


void CS_GetMemory(CS_MemoryItemId_t memoryId, void **memoryPtr);


This function gets a pointer to the memory allocated for a specific internal structure.

Use this function obtain a pointer to the memory identified by a special value. The stack allocates the memory for certain internal buffers and tables. For example, the application can employ this function to get the contents of binding and routing tables, APS key-pair set and other tables.

For some of these objects, there is the API in BitCloud®; the application must use such API rather than this function to access the contents of a buffer. If the API is absent, the application can use this function to observe the memory occupied by the buffer but is restricted to use the pointer obtained with the function to write data to the memory or the memory can become corrupted.

The function must be provided with an address of a pointer variable, which is going to be assigned to the starting point of the memory.

Input Parameters
Parameter NameDescription
memoryIdID of a parameter or a specific part of the memory
memoryPtrA pointer to which a starting address of the memory is written
Return Type and Values
  • None