5.1.6 Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) APIs

The Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) APIs provide details about the timers that security services use internally at the system level.

The following table provides details about the HAL functions used for various purposes including functions that invoke hardware reset or read UID (extended address).

Table 5-8. HAL APIs
Function PrototypeDescription
int HAL_StartAppTimer(HAL_AppTimer_t *appTimer)Starts to count an interval (starts user timer)
int HAL_StopAppTimer(HAL_AppTimer_t *appTimer)Stops the user timer
BcTime_t HAL_GetSystemTime (void)Gets system time
void HAL_WarmReset (void)Software reset
uint32_t HAL_GetElapsedAppTimerTimeSinceLastIsr (void)Returns the time elapsed from the last timer tick (10 ms tick interval)
int HAL_RemainingAppTimer (void)Gives the remaining time in the given app time