5.1.4 Configuration Server (CS) APIs

The BitCloud® stack provides an extensive set of configuration parameters that determine various aspects of network and node behavior. These parameters are accessible to an application through the Configuration Server (ConfigServer or CS) interface.

The following table provides details about the functions for controlling Configuration Server (CS) parameters.

Table 5-5. CS APIs
Function PrototypeDescription
void CS_ReadParameter(CS_MemoryItemId_t parameterId, void *memoryPtr)Gets the value of the parameter specified by its ID and writes it to the provided address in memory
void CS_WriteParameter(CS_MemoryItemId_t parameterId, const void *parameterValue)Sets a value of a certain CS parameter specified by its ID
void CS_GetMemory(CS_MemoryItemId_t memoryId, void **memoryPtr)Gets a pointer to the memory allocated for a specific internal structure