There are several styles of comments that can be used in assembly source code.

Assembler comments consist of a semi-colon, ;, followed by the comment text. These can be placed on a line of their own, such as the comment:
;objects in common (Access bank) memory
They can also be at the end of a line containing an instruction or directive, as shown in the line:
	movff    PORTA,tmp     ;read the port

C-style comments can be used in assembly source code if the assembly source file is preprocessed. To run the preprocessor over an assembly source file, name the file using a .S extension (upper case), or use the -xassembler-with-cpp option when you build.

Single-line C-style comments begin with a double slash sequence, //, followed by the comment text, as seen in the line:
CONFIG PWRTS=PWRT_OFF    // PWRT is disabled
Multi-line C-style comments begin with slash-star, /*, and terminate with a star-slash sequence, */. This is the only comment style that allow the comment text to run over multiple lines. One is shown in the example:
/* find the highest PORTA value read, storing this into
   the object max */