16.4 Signal Description

The DSU uses these signals to function.

Signal Name Type Description
RESET Digital Input External Reset
SWCLK Digital Input Serial Wire Debug (SWD) clock
SWDIO Digital I/O Serial Wire Debug (SWD) bidirectional data pin
TCK Digital Input JTAG Test Clock
TMS Digital Input JTAG Test Mode Select
TDI Digital Input JTAG Test Data In
TDO Digital Output JTAG Test Data Out
  1. By default the Debug Port (DP) starts in JTAG mode after Power-on Reset, but it can switch to Single Wire Debug (SWD) mode using the Arm JTAG to SWD switching sequence.
  2. Any I/O pins being used for SWD/JTAG functions should not be configured for Open Drain operation.