14.11.5 Region STATUSA Register

This register is part of a register group (composed of RCTRL, RSTATUS[A,B,C]) that is repeated IDAU_REGION_NUM times. Register group x controls and returns status of the IDAU region x.

This register is meaningful only for IDAU region types suffixed _B and _W (static configuration), for other types it always reads 0.

Table 14-10. Register Bit Attribute Legend
Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description
R Readable bit HC Cleared by Hardware (Grey cell) Unimplemented
W Writable bit HS Set by Hardware X Bit is unknown at Reset
K Write to clear S Software settable bit
Offset: 0x1004
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access cfg/Rcfg/Rcfg/Rcfg/Rcfg/Rcfg/R 
Reset xxxxxx 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access cfg/Rcfg/Rcfg/Rcfg/Rcfg/Rcfg/R 
Reset xxxxxx 
Bit 76543210 
Access cfg/Rcfg/Rcfg/Rcfg/R 
Reset xxxx 

Bits 21:16 – MAXSZ[5:0] Command Argument Maximum Size

Bits 13:8 – GRAN[5:0] Region Granularity

_W suffixed types (Watermark based regions): Size in Bytes of one RCTRL[x].ARG LSb.

_B suffixed types (Block based regions): Size in Bytes of a block.

0x0 Not Applicable
0x1 - 0xB Reserved
0xC (GRAN_4KB)
0xD (GRAN_8KB)
0xE (GRAN_16KB)
0xF (GRAN_32KB)
0x10 (GRAN_64KB)
0x11 (GRAN_128KB)
0x12 (GRAN_256KB)
0x13 (GRAN_512KB)
0x14 (GRAN_1MB)
0x15 (GRAN_2MB)
0x16 (GRAN_4MB)
0x17 (GRAN_8MB)
0x18 (GRAN_16MB)
0x19 (GRAN_32MB)
0x1A (GRAN_64MB)
0x1B (GRAN_128MB)
0x1C (GRAN_256MB)
0x1D (GRAN_512MB)
0x1E (GRAN_1GB)
0x1F (GRAN_2GB)
0x20 (GRAN_4GB)
0x21 - 0x3F Reserved

Bits 3:0 – TYPE[3:0] IDAU Reion Type

0x0 Region is invalid (INVALID)
0x1 Region is secure (SEC)
0x2 Region is non secure (NONSEC)
0x3 Region is non secure, the associated register group implements a watermark configuration (NONSEC_W)
0x4 Region is either secure or non-secure, the associated register group implements a block configuration (SECnNONSEC_B)
0x5 Region is either secure or non-secure, configuration is linked to another IDAU region configuration bit (the linked configuration bit identification info is readable from the RSTATUSC register inside the same register group) (SECnNONSEC_L)
0x6 Region is non-secure callable, the associated register group implements a watermark configuration (NSC_W)
0x7 Region is exempt from security, the associated register group implements a block configuration (EXEMPT_B)
0x8 - 0xF Reserved