5.1 Command Details

The ASCII command syntax for the RNBD451 module consists of a keyword followed by optional parameters. This format allows users to interact with the module by sending specific commands in a structured manner.

  • ASCII commands are divided into multiple groups:
    • System Configuration Commands
    • Gap Commands
      • General
      • Advertising
      • Scan
      • Connection
      • Security
    • Bluetooth Low Energy GATT Service/Profile Commands
      • Generic Access Service Setting
      • Device Information Service Setting
      • GATT Operation on Server Role
      • GATT Operation on Client Role
      • Data Transmission For Multi-link
    • Peripheral Commands
    • DFU Commands
    • Device Test Mode (DTM) Command
    • HCI Feature
  • All commands contain one, two or three case-insensitive characters
  • Delimit command and any argument with a comma
  • Text data is case sensitive, such as Bluetooth name
  • All commands end with a carriage return (<CR>,'\r', \x0d)
  • Get commands return the value requested by the corresponding command to be retrieved. Most of the other commands return either AOK (<AOK><CR><LF>), which indicates a positive response, or Err (<Err<CR><LF>) as a negative response.

All commands must be used in Command mode, except $$$, which is used to enter Command mode from Data mode. All input UART characters are parsed as command format and all characters are raw data in Data mode.

Most configuration changes made by set commands are stored in the Persistent Data Storage (PDS) and survive the reboot or power cycle. For certain commands, the configuration changes are going to take effect after a system reboot. For the majority of commands, memory stores the changes without a system reboot. However, for certain commands, the system reboot is necessary. For commands that need the system reboot, a special note is placed.

For a list of all commands, refer to 11 Appendix C: Command Summary Quick Reference.