6 Radiation Specification (Note 1)
Environment | Conditions | Min | Unit |
TID (gamma) | MIL-STD-883, method 1019 The operating bias applied during exposure | 100 | krad (Si) |
Neutron fluence | MIL-STD-883, 1017 | 1E12 | Neutrons |
SEE SEU, SEL, SEGR, SEB | Heavy ions [LET] The operating bias applied during exposure | 82 | MeV•cm2/mg |
- Parameter not 100% tested, and only assured by design.
- Parameter verified during line and load regulation tests. Regulation is specified for 10% to 100% loading on all outputs.
- The “–H” option incorporates FET technology providing a > 82 MeV•cm2/mg (gold ion) SEE capability to the design. The “–P” option is not rated for radiation.
- Tested and verified using a 20 kHz to 10 MHz bandwidth. Ripple is measured across a 50 Ohms termination with a 10 nF Cap in series. Results applicable for DC to 20 MHz bandwidth.
- The capacitive load may be any value from 0 to the maximum limit without compromising DC performance. A capacitive load exceeding the maximum limit may interfere with the proper operation of the converter's overload protection, potentially causing erratic behavior during turn-on.
- Overload power dissipation is defined as the device power dissipation with the load set such that VOUT = 90% of nominal.
- The load step transition time is ≥ 10 µs.
- Recovery time is measured from the initiation of the transient to where VOUT returned to within ±1% of its steady-state value.
- The line step transition time is ≥ 100 µs.
- Turn-on delay time from either a step application of input power or a logic low to a logic high transition on the inhibit pin (pin 3) to the point where VOUT = 90% of nominal.
- Load regulation relative to the output voltage at 50% rated load.
- Line regulation relative to the output voltage at 120 VDC input.
- For operation at temperatures between 85°C and 125°C: de-rate power linearly from 50W (or rated maximum) to zero. Parameter limits are not guaranteed.
- Auxiliary output regulation is not maintained if main output load is less than 10%.
- Auxiliary output requires at least 10% loading for specified regulation. Voltage may increase at lighter loads and is limited by overvoltage Zener diodes.
- Unless otherwise specified, rated load means 20W on the main, and 15W on each Auxiliary output. Other load settings are acceptable provided the total of 50W is not exceeded and minimum output current limits are satisfied.