Clock Failure Detector

This mechanism allows the main clock to be switched automatically to the safe OSC8M clock when the main clock source is considered off. This may happen for instance when an external crystal oscillator is selected as the clock source for the main clock and the crystal fails. The mechanism is to designed to detect, during a OSCULP32K clock period, at least one rising edge of the main clock. If no rising edge is seen, the clock is considered failed.

The clock failure detector is enabled by writing a '1' to the Clock Failure Detector Enable bit in CTRL (CFDEN_CTRL).

As soon as the Clock Failure Detector Enable bit (CTRL.CFDEN) is one, the clock failure detector (CFD) will monitor the undivided main clock. When a clock failure is detected, the main clock automatically switches to the OSC8M clock and the Clock Failure Detector flag in the interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG.CFD) is set and the corresponding interrupt request will be generated if enabled. The BKUPCLK bit in the CTRL register is set by hardware to indicate that the main clock comes from OSC8M. The GCLK_MAIN clock source can be selected again by writing a zero to the CTRL.BKUPCLK bit. However, writing the bit does not fix the failure.

  1. The detector does not monitor while the main clock is temporarily unavailable (start-up time after a wake-up, etc.) or in sleep mode. The Clock Failure Detector must be disabled before entering standby mode.
  2. The clock failure detector must not be enabled if the source of the main clock is not significantly faster than the OSCULP32K clock. For instance, if GCLK_MAIN is the internal 32kHz RC, then the clock failure detector must be disabled.
  3. The OSC8M internal oscillator should be enabled to allow the main clock switching to the OSC8M clock.