6.4.1 TCP Client Example Code

SOCKET		clientSocketHdl;
uint8		rxBuffer[256];

/* Socket event handler. */	
void tcpClientSocketEventHandler(SOCKET sock, uint8 u8Msg, void * pvMsg)
	if(sock == clientSocketHdl)
		// Connect Event Handler.
		tstrSocketConnectMsg *pstrConnect = (tstrSocketConnectMsg*)pvMsg;
			if(pstrConnect->s8Error == 0)
				// Perform data exchange.
				uint8	acSendBuffer[256];
				uint16 u16MsgSize;
				// Fill in the acSendBuffer with some data here

				// send data
				send(clientSocketHdl, acSendBuffer, u16MsgSize, 0);
				// Recv response from server.
				recv(clientSocketHdl, rxBuffer, sizeof(rxBuffer), 0);
				printf("TCP Connection Failed\n");
		else if(u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_RECV)
			tstrSocketRecvMsg	*pstrRecvMsg = (tstrSocketRecvMsg*)pvMsg;
			if((pstrRecvMsg->pu8Buffer != NULL) && (pstrRecvMsg->s16BufferSize > 0))
				// Process the received message.
				// Close the socket.

// This is the DNS callback. The response of gethostbyname is here.
void dnsResolveCallback(uint8* pu8HostName, uint32 u32ServerIP)
	struct sockaddr_in strAddr;

	if(u32ServerIP != 0)
		clientSocketHdl = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,u8Flags);
		if(clientSocketHdl >= 0)
			strAddr.sin_family		= AF_INET;
			strAddr.sin_port		= _htons(443);
			strAddr.sin_addr.s_addr 	= u32ServerIP;

			connect(clientSocketHdl, (struct sockaddr*)&strAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
		printf("DNS Resolution Failed\n");

/* This function needs to be called from main function. For the callbacks to be invoked correctly, the API m2m_wifi_handle_events must be called continuously from main. */
void tcpConnect(char *pcServerURL)
	// Initialize the socket layer.
	// Register socket application callbacks.
	registerSocketCallback(tcpClientSocketEventHandler, dnsResolveCallback);

	// Resolve Server URL.