7.2 TLS Connection Establishment

From the application’s point of view, the TLS functionality is wrapped behind the socket APIs. This hides the complexity of TLS from the application which can use the TLS in the same way as the TCP (non-TLS) client and server. The main difference between the TLS sockets and the regular TCP sockets is that the application sets the SOCKET_FLAGS_SSL while creating the TLS client and server listening sockets. The detailed sequence of TLS connection establishment is described in the following figure.

  • For proper TLS Client operation, ensure that both SOCKET_FLAGS_SSL flag and the correct port number is set in the TLS client application. For instance, an HTTP client application uses no flag when calling socket API function and connect to port 80. The same application source code becomes an HTTPS client application if you use the flag SOCKET_FLAGS_SSL and change the port number in connect API to port 433.
  • For proper TLS server operation, ensure that both SOCKET_FLAGS_SSL flag and the correct port number is set in the TLS server application. For instance, an HTTP server application uses no flag when calling socket API function and bind to port 80. The same application source code becomes an HTTPS server application, if you use the flag SOCKET_FLAGS_SSL and change the port number in bind API to port 443.
Figure 7-1. TLS Client Application Connection Establishment
Figure 7-2. TLS Server Application Connection Establishment