4.3.2 IP Address

The ATWINC15x0 firmware uses the embedded DHCP client to automatically obtain an IP configuration after a successful Wi-Fi connection. DHCP is the preferred method and therefore it is used as a default method. After the IP configuration is obtained, the host MCU application is notified by the asynchronous event M2M_WIFI_REQ_DHCP_CONF.

Alternatively, the host MCU application can set a static IP configuration by calling the m2m_wifi_set_static_ip API. Before setting a static IP address, it is recommended to disable DHCP using the API m2m_wifi_enable_dhcp(0) and then set the static IP as shown below.

In Main(), disable dhcp after m2m_wifi_init as shown below
/* Initialize Wi-Fi driver with data and status callbacks. */
param.pfAppWifiCb = wifi_cb;
ret = m2m_wifi_init(&param);
if (M2M_SUCCESS != ret)
	printf("main: m2m_wifi_init call error!(%d)\r\n", ret);
	while (1)

Set Static IP when WINC is connected to AP as shown below.
static void wifi_cb(uint8_t u8MsgType, void *pvMsg)
	switch (u8MsgType) {
		tstrM2mWifiStateChanged *pstrWifiState = (tstrM2mWifiStateChanged *)pvMsg;
		if (pstrWifiState->u8CurrState == M2M_WIFI_CONNECTED){
			printf("Wi-Fi connected\r\n");
			tstrM2MIPConfig ip_client;
			ip_client.u32StaticIP = _htonl(0xc0a80167);       // Provide the required Static IP
			ip_client.u32DNS = _htonl(0xc0a80101);            // Provide DNS server details
			ip_client.u32SubnetMask = _htonl(0xFFFFFF00);     // Provide the SubnetMask for the currently connected AP
			ip_client.u32Gateway = _htonl(0xc0a80101);        // Provide the GAteway IP for the AP
			printf("Wi-Fi setting static ip\r\n");