CRC Control

Offset: 0x02
Reset: 0x0000
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Enable-Protected

Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bits 13:8 – CRCSRC[5:0] CRC Input Source

These bits select the input source for generating the CRC, as shown in the table below. The selected source is locked until either the CRC generation is completed or the CRC module is disabled. This means the CRCSRC cannot be modified when the CRC operation is ongoing. The lock is signaled by the CRCBUSY status bit. CRC generation complete is generated and signaled from the selected source when used with the DMA channel.

0x00NOACTNo action
0x01IOI/O interface
0x20CHNDMA channel 0
0x21CHNDMA channel 1
0x22CHNDMA channel 2
0x23CHNDMA channel 3
0x24CHNDMA channel 4
0x25CHNDMA channel 5
0x26CHNDMA channel 6
0x27CHNDMA channel 7
0x28CHNDMA channel 8
0x29CHNDMA channel 9
0x2ACHNDMA channel 10
0x2BCHNDMA channel 11
0x2CCHNDMA channel 12
0x2DCHNDMA channel 13
0x2ECHNDMA channel 14
0x2FCHNDMA channel 15
0x30CHNDMA channel 16
0x31CHNDMA channel 17
0x32CHNDMA channel 18
0x33CHNDMA channel 19
0x34CHNDMA channel 20
0x35CHNDMA channel 21
0x36CHNDMA channel 22
0x37CHNDMA channel 23
0x38CHNDMA channel 24
0x39CHNDMA channel 25
0x3ACHNDMA channel 26
0x3BCHNDMA channel 27
0x3CCHNDMA channel 28
0x3DCHNDMA channel 29
0x3ECHNDMA channel 30
0x3FCHNDMA channel 31

Bits 3:2 – CRCPOLY[1:0] CRC Polynomial Type

These bits define the size of the data transfer for each bus access when the CRC is used with I/O interface, as shown in the table below.

0x1CRC32CRC32 (IEEE 802.3)

Bits 1:0 – CRCBEATSIZE[1:0] CRC Beat Size

These bits define the size of the data transfer for each bus access when the CRC is used with I/O interface.

0x0BYTE8-bit bus transfer
0x1HWORD16-bit bus transfer
0x2WORD32-bit bus transfer