3.3V Brown-Out Detector (BOD33) Control

Name: BOD33
Offset: 0x10
Reset: Determined from NVM User Row
Property: Write-Synchronized, Enable-Protected, PAC Write-Protection

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset xxxxxx 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 000yy0z 

Bits 29:24 – BKUPLEVEL[5:0]  BOD33 Threshold Level on VBAT or in Backup Sleep Mode

These bits set the triggering voltage threshold for the BOD33 when the BOD33 monitors VBAT or in backup sleep mode.

This bit field is not synchronized.

Bits 21:16 – LEVEL[5:0]  BOD33 Threshold Level on VDD

These bits set the triggering voltage threshold for the BOD33 when the BOD33 monitors VDD except in backup sleep mode.

These bits are loaded from NVM User Row at start-up.

This bit field is not synchronized.

Bits 15:12 – PSEL[3:0] Prescaler Select

Selects the prescaler divide-by output for the BOD33 sampling mode. The input clock comes from the OSCULP32K 1KHz output.

0x0 DIV2 Divide clock by 2
0x1 DIV4 Divide clock by 4
0x2 DIV8 Divide clock by 8
0x3 DIV16 Divide clock by 16
0x4 DIV32 Divide clock by 32
0x5 DIV64 Divide clock by 64
0x6 DIV128 Divide clock by 128
0x7 DIV256 Divide clock by 256
0x8 DIV512 Divide clock by 512
0x9 DIV1024 Divide clock by 1024
0xA DIV2048 Divide clock by 2048
0xB DIV4096 Divide clock by 4096
0xC DIV8192 Divide clock by 8192
0xD DIV16384 Divide clock by 16384
0xE DIV32768 Divide clock by 32768
0xF DIV65536 Divide clock by 65536

Bit 10 – VMON Voltage Monitored in Active and Standby Mode

This bit is not synchronized.

0 The BOD33 monitors the VDD power pin in active and standby mode.
1 The BOD33 monitors the VBAT power pin in active and standby mode.

Bit 8 – ACTCFG  BOD33 Configuration in Active Sleep Mode

This bit is not synchronized.

0 In active mode, the BOD33 operates in continuous mode.
1 In active mode, the BOD33 operates in sampling mode.

Bit 7 – RUNBKUP  BOD33 Configuration in Backup Sleep Mode

This bit is not synchronized.

0 In backup sleep mode, the BOD33 is disabled.
1 In backup sleep mode, the BOD33 is enabled and configured in sampling mode.

Bit 6 – RUNSTDBY Run in Standby

This bit is not synchronized.

0 In standby sleep mode, the BOD33 is disabled.
1 In standby sleep mode, the BOD33 is enabled.

Bit 5 – STDBYCFG  BOD33 Configuration in Standby Sleep Mode

If the RUNSTDBY bit is set to '1', the STDBYCFG bit sets the BOD33 configuration in standby sleep mode.

This bit is not synchronized.

0 In standby sleep mode, the BOD33 is enabled and configured in continuous mode.
1 In standby sleep mode, the BOD33 is enabled and configured in sampling mode.

Bits 4:3 – ACTION[1:0]  BOD33 Action

These bits are used to select the BOD33 action when the supply voltage crosses below the BOD33 threshold.

These bits are loaded from NVM User Row at start-up.

This bit field is not synchronized.

Value Name Description
0x0 NONE No action
0x1 RESET The BOD33 generates a reset
0x2 INT The BOD33 generates an interrupt
0x3 BKUP

The BOD33 puts the device in backup sleep mode if VMON=0.

No action if VMON=1.

Bit 2 – HYST Hysteresis

This bit indicates whether hysteresis is enabled for the BOD33 threshold voltage.

This bit is loaded from NVM User Row at start-up.

This bit is not synchronized.

0 No hysteresis.
1 Hysteresis enabled.

Bit 1 – ENABLE Enable

This bit is loaded from NVM User Row at start-up.

This bit is not enable-protected.

0 BOD33 is disabled.
1 BOD33 is enabled.