Performance Level Configuration

Offset: 0x02
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 76543210 
 PLDIS     PLSEL[1:0] 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bit 7 – PLDIS Performance Level Disable

Disabling the automatic PL selection forces the device to run in PL0 , reducing the power consumption and the wake-up time from standby sleep mode.

Changing this bit when the current performance level is not PL0 is discarded and a violation is reported to the PAC module.

0 The Performance Level mechanism is enabled.
1 The Performance Level mechanism is disabled.

Bits 1:0 – PLSEL[1:0] Performance Level Select

Value Name Definition
0x0 PL0 Performance Level 0
0x1 Reserved Reserved
0x2 PL2 Performance Level 2
0x3 Reserved Reserved