Error Detection

There are five different error types that are not mutually exclusive. Each error concerns only specific fields of the CAN data frame (refer to the Bosch CAN specification for their correspondence):

  • CRC error (CAN_SR.CERR): with the CRC, the transmitter calculates a checksum for the CRC bit sequence from the Start of Frame bit until the end of the Data Field. This CRC sequence is transmitted in the CRC field of the Data or Remote Frame.
  • Bit-stuffing error (CAN_SR.SERR): if a node detects a sixth consecutive equal bit level during the bit-stuffing area of a frame, it generates an Error Frame starting with the next bit-time.
  • Bit error (CAN_SR.BERR): a bit error occurs if a transmitter sends a dominant bit but detects a recessive bit on the bus line, or if it sends a recessive bit but detects a dominant bit on the bus line. An error frame is generated and starts with the next bit time.
  • Form Error (CAN_SR.FERR): if a transmitter detects a dominant bit in one of the fix-formatted segments CRC Delimiter, ACK Delimiter or End of Frame, a form error has occurred and an error frame is generated.
  • Acknowledgment error (CAN_SR.AERR): the transmitter checks the Acknowledge Slot, which is transmitted by the transmitting node as a recessive bit, contains a dominant bit. If this is the case, at least one other node has received the frame correctly. If not, an Acknowledge Error has occurred and the transmitter will start in the next bit-time an Error Frame transmission.