3.5.4 PIC-AS Assembler - Preprocessing and messaging

Selecting this checkbox will perform verbose compilation, showing the command lines issued to the internal applications. See 3.4.30 V: Verbose Compilation.
Suppress all warnings
Selecting this checkbox will prevent all warning messages from being issued. See 3.4.32 W: Disable all Warnings Option.
Maximum errors
Use this field to specify the maximum number of errors that will be generated before the assembler exits. See 3.4.6 Max Errors.
Warning level
Use this field to specify the warning level threshold. Only warnings with higher levels will be emitted during a build. See 3.4.26 Warn Option.
Define preprocessor symbol
Use this field to define preprocessor macros. See 3.4.2 D: Define a Macro.
Undefine preprocessor symbol
Use this field to undefine preprocessor macros. See 3.4.29 U: Undefine Macros.
Include directories
Use this field to specify the directories searched for header files. See 3.4.10 I: Specify Include File Search Path Option.
Assembler files with preprocessor
Select this checkbox to have assembly source files preprocessed before being passed to the assembler, regardless of the file extension. See 3.4.37 X: Specify Source Language Option.