4.9.3 Bankisel Directive

The BANKISEL directive is used to generate code that ensures the correct data bank will be selected for indirect access of the operand's memory location. The operand should be the symbol or numeric address of an object that resides in data memory, for example

#include <xc.inc>

PSECT udata_bank1
  DS  1

PSECT code
  movlw myVar
  movwf FSR       ;Load the address of myVar info FSR
  BANKISEL myVar  ;Select the correct bank for myVar
  movlw 055h
  movwf INDF      ;Indirectly write to myVar
This directive will set the IRP bit (Mid-range) or STATUS bits (Baseline) appropriately for the symbol argument. For all other devices, this directive will be ignored.